Anatomy: A Love Story Test | Final Test - Medium

Dana Schwartz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Anatomy: A Love Story Test | Final Test - Medium

Dana Schwartz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the Wortflower-root tea good for, according to Jack's mother?
(a) Keeping a person strong.
(b) Bringing fever down.
(c) Stomach aches.
(d) A sore throat.

2. What was Hazel's Horse's name?
(a) Centauri.
(b) Sunshine.
(c) Miss Rosalind.
(d) Miss Petunia.

3. On their second dig, what did Jack tell Hazel that the person died of?
(a) Old age.
(b) Heart attack.
(c) He was Hanged.
(d) Roman fever.

4. Why was Baron Walford thinking of a certain paradox in Chapter 31?
(a) He wanted to impress Lord Almont.
(b) Because Baron Walford was studying philosophy.
(c) Because he had read a book that mentioned it.
(d) Because of his upcoming eye transplant.

5. In Chapter 34, why did Beecham want the person in the wheelchair, in particular?
(a) This boy was a known liar.
(b) This boy had spat at Dr. Beecham.
(c) This boy was a resurrection man that had cheated Dr. Beecham.
(d) This boy's eyes were mahogany colored.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which part of the Wortlfower did Jack's mother use?

2. What is a kirkyard?

3. In Chapter 23, Why did Jack come back earlier to Hawthornden then Hazel expected him after their first dig?

4. What did Jack's mother do with Wortflower?

5. What note handwritten in the margin did Hazel see in Dr. Beecham's treatise next to treatments for the common cold?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 18, how did Hazel manage to have a body delivered to her?

2. What was the horse's name that Jack rode? How did he get that name? What was he named after?

3. How did Hazel convince Jack to go on a dig?

4. In Chapter 24, Bernard saw Hazel at Princes street gardens. When Bernard saw her, what did he ask that caused Hazel to lie to him?

5. In Chapter 29, What was Dr. Beecham III's response to Hazel's letter?

6. Why was Hazel unafraid of exposure to Roman fever?

7. In Chapter 34, Whose heart was Dr. Beecham III going to take? How did Hazel prevent it?

8. in Chapter 23, What did Jack point out on his and Hazel's ride? What did he say about it?

9. In Chapter 23, what made Hazel and Jack jump into the grave of the man they had just unburied?

10. In Chapter 32, what made Hazel turn aside from going straight to the physicians exam?

(see the answer keys)

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