An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Locke's illustration show?
(a) That hell is other people.
(b) That a man can be clear in will but unfree in action.
(c) That fate wears a human face.
(d) That a man can be deceived about his relation with other men.

2. Which school of philosophy divided essences into real and nominal?
(a) Platonists.
(b) Spinozans.
(c) Aristotelians.
(d) Thomists.

3. What does Locke say is ultimately grounded in pleasure and pain?
(a) Aesthetics.
(b) Knowledge.
(c) Morality.
(d) Faith.

4. What does Locke say desires have in common?
(a) Ineffability.
(b) A motivating force to alleviate discomfort.
(c) The ability to mitigate unease.
(d) Unhappiness as a result.

5. How does Locke resolve the contradiction between people who believe in free will and people who do not?
(a) He says that there is indeterminism on a sub-atomic level, that allows for free choice.
(b) He says that determinism is determined in free choices in every moment.
(c) He says that people have a choice whether to follow their wills.
(d) He says that the world has choices, even if people do not.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Locke describe as an abuse of words?

2. Why don't most words refer to simple ideas, in Locke's account?

3. What idea does Locke say we use when we define a horse?

4. What does Locke use as a definition of active powers?

5. What are people who do not believe in free will called?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do we arrive at the essence of an idea?

2. Why are most words general, according to Locke?

3. What problem is Locke trying to address with his discussion of identity in consciousness and identity in body?

4. What are three ways in which people abuse words, in Locke's account?

5. What does Locke say words ultimately refer to?

6. What role does Locke attribute to God in forming man as a language-user?

7. Give an example of active powers.

8. What is the correspondence theory of truth?

9. Where does Locke say our conception of 'number' comes from?

10. How does Locke define words?

(see the answer keys)

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