An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the effect of a passive power?
(a) Transformation of matter.
(b) Determinism.
(c) Movement of matter.
(d) Freedom.

2. What does Locke use as a definition of active powers?
(a) Gravity.
(b) Will or volition.
(c) Heat.
(d) Luck.

3. Which school of philosophy divided essences into real and nominal?
(a) Spinozans.
(b) Aristotelians.
(c) Thomists.
(d) Platonists.

4. What are all words generated by, in Locke's account?
(a) Experiences.
(b) Feelings.
(c) Ideas.
(d) Chaos.

5. What does Locke say liberty is aimed at?
(a) Compassion for others.
(b) Pursuit of happiness.
(c) Pursuit of profit.
(d) Relief of suffering.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Locke, the lack of what would make social life impossible?

2. What is the philosopher's most important job, according to Locke?

3. How does Locke define will?

4. What does Locke say pleasure and pain are the foundation for?

5. In what way was Locke's perspective unique in the debate between free will and fate?

Short Essay Questions

1. What role does Locke attribute to God in forming man as a language-user?

2. What is the difference between love and desire, according to Locke?

3. How does Locke define power, in "Essay Concerning Human Understanding"?

4. What is the debate between determinists and libertarians?

5. What does Locke say is the difference between a free will and a free agent?

6. What is abstraction, according to Locke?

7. What does Locke say is the only way to understand the properties of things?

8. What are three ways in which people abuse words, in Locke's account?

9. Why are most words general, according to Locke?

10. Where do the notions of good and evil come from, in Locke's opinion?

(see the answer keys)

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