An Enemy of the People Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An Enemy of the People Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word refers to a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles that one does not really possess?
(a) Imposter.
(b) Actor.
(c) Heretic.
(d) Hypocrisy.

2. What refers to someone radically new or innovative who stands for revolt?
(a) Terrorist.
(b) Liberal.
(c) Hippie.
(d) Revolutionist.

3. What is the setting of Act II Scene 1?
(a) The editorial office of the People's Daily Messenger.
(b) Captain Horster's house.
(c) Peter Stockman's residence.
(d) Tom Stockmann's residence.

4. In his speech in Act II Scene 2, Tom congratulates Hovstad for his what?
(a) Truthfulness.
(b) Opinion.
(c) Haircut.
(d) Radicalism.

5. Hovstad is suddenly torn in Act II Scene 1 and entertains the idea that perhaps Tom is what?
(a) Insane.
(b) A traitor.
(c) A liar.
(d) An egomaniac.

6. In Act II Scene 2, Peter warns who that he could have them arrested for posting a large sign on the town hall?
(a) Tom.
(b) Petra.
(c) Captain Horster.
(d) Catherine.

7. In Act II Scene 2, Tom claims that what is never right until it does right?
(a) The minority.
(b) The majority.
(c) The public.
(d) The government.

8. What does Catherine wonder about the people outside in the beginning of Act II Scene 2?
(a) What they want.
(b) Why they don't come in.
(c) If they are violent.
(d) Who they are.

9. Who suggests that Tom be considered an enemy of the people in Act II Scene 2?
(a) Captain Horster.
(b) Mr. Hovstad.
(c) Mr. Billing.
(d) Mr. Aslaksen.

10. In Act II Scene 1, Peter points out to Aslaksen that the community will be what if the water system is dismantled and rebuilt?
(a) Enraged.
(b) Taxed.
(c) Overworked.
(d) Booming.

11. Given little other options, in the end of Act II Scene 1, Tom vows to do what to spread the truth about the water system?
(a) Yell from the steps of the Mayor's office.
(b) Publish his own paper.
(c) March through town.
(d) Tell everybody at church.

12. What word means to soften or tone down, as in one's beliefs?
(a) Pamper.
(b) Stagnate.
(c) Fixate.
(d) Temper.

13. In Act II Scene 2, Peter makes a motion that Tom be prohibited from what?
(a) Taking the pledge.
(b) Standing watch.
(c) Reading the report.
(d) Marrying.

14. Peter claims in Act II Scene 2 that he only wants the town to understand that his brother's motive is to ridicule and destroy what?
(a) The town.
(b) Authority.
(c) The springs.
(d) People's lives.

15. When was Galileo born?
(a) 1634.
(b) 1602.
(c) 1564.
(d) 1498.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Act II Scene 2, Billing tells Catherine that the meeting will prove to not be a place for what?

2. In Act II Scene 1, Peter angrily declares that the report is based on hatred of what?

3. In Act II Scene 2, Tom explains to the crowd that the dream he had for the Springs was NOT to do what?

4. Kirsten Springs Institute is what type of corporation?

5. In Act II Scene 1, Billing is exhilarated because he claims this could be the day what?

(see the answer keys)

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