An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes a rift between Gandhi and his brother?
(a) They disagree how money should be divided after the sale of some property.
(b) Gandhi's notoriety is causing his brother problems in his community.
(c) An argument over Gandhi's child-rearing practices.
(d) Gandhi stops sending him money.

2. What promise does Gandhi make when he returns to India the second time?
(a) That he will work for Indian independence.
(b) That he will return in a year if he is needed.
(c) That he will recruit more volunteers to send to South Africa.
(d) That he will send them care packages from India.

3. Which one of these dietary practices and treatments does Gandhi NOT try?
(a) He stops eating cooked foods.
(b) He applies a mud poultice to his abdomen.
(c) He stops eating breakfast.
(d) He recommends a diet of fruit and nuts.

4. Why must Gandhi and his family wait before they can disembark from their ship in Durban?
(a) They arrived early and they are waiting for Abdullah Sheth to return to South Africa.
(b) They are trying to find a place to live.
(c) A physician orders a five-day quarantine to ensure no one has the plague.
(d) Their papers are not in order.

5. How does Gandhi assist his brother-in-law after he takes him from Bombay to Rajkot?
(a) He helps his brother-in-law move.
(b) He harbors his brother-in-law after he commits a crime.
(c) He lends his brother-in-law some money to repay his debts.
(d) He nurses his sick brother-in-law.

6. What does Gandhi do after there is a plague outbreak in Bombay?
(a) He offers his services in sanitation.
(b) He files a civil suit on behalf of the citizens of Bombay.
(c) He volunteers to transport the deceased.
(d) He tries to heal the afflicted with his home remedies.

7. What trouble does Gandhi's older brother get into?
(a) He becomes an outcast from their caste.
(b) He gives wrong advice to the Ranasaheb of Porbandar.
(c) He embezzles some money.
(d) He insults a British Political Agent.

8. What is the situation like at Gandhi's house in Natal?
(a) The Indian Congress is using his home as their unofficial office.
(b) His home is sparsely furnished and decorated because he is very frugal.
(c) Gandhi has animals like chickens and goats inside his house.
(d) Servants are maligning each other in order to curry favor with Gandhi.

9. What does Gandhi's diet consist of in 1906?
(a) Fruits and nuts.
(b) Grains and vegetables.
(c) Legumes and dairy.
(d) Dairy and meat.

10. Why is Gandhi called back to Durban?
(a) Employers are retaliating against indentured servants.
(b) For the opening session of parliament.
(c) The Indian Congress is falling apart without his presence.
(d) There is rioting in the streets.

11. What happens when Gandhi attends the vegetarian convention in Portsmouth?
(a) He becomes more committed to his dietary practices.
(b) He finds the women too flirtatious and leaves.
(c) Gandhi is asked to be the president of the Vegetarian Association.
(d) He does not think their diet is strict enough and leaves.

12. What does Gandhi remind the Indian community in Durban after a plague outbreak?
(a) To improve their sanitary habits so they can fight for their rights.
(b) To set their rat traps.
(c) He reminds them of their duty and loyalty to India.
(d) To wash their hands before eating.

13. How does Gandhi communicate when in a group?
(a) He writes letters to others that convey his thoughts while they were together.
(b) He writes his thoughts on a piece of paper and has someone read them to the group.
(c) He acts out what he wants to say and people guess at the clues.
(d) He says nothing and is frustrated because he has not communicated his thoughts and tells a group member days later.

14. What happens when Gandhi lends money to a woman to open a vegetarian restaurant?
(a) She repays Gandhi.
(b) She dies and her son assumes the loan.
(c) She needs more money and asks for another loan.
(d) She defaults on the loan.

15. Why can't Gandhi sail to England after he arrives in Bombay?
(a) The Indian Ocean is too rough at that time.
(b) He forgets his passport in Rajkot.
(c) Gandhi and his brother fall victim to a pickpocket.
(d) Members of Gandhi's caste threaten him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who helps Gandhi acclimate to South Africa?

2. How are people in India informed about the injustices toward the Indian people in South Africa?

3. In what field does Gandhi's father work?

4. Who is Balasundaram?

5. What news does Gandhi receive after he returns to India?

(see the answer keys)

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