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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. How does Gandhi respond to the doctor's advice when his son, Manilal, becomes very ill?
(a) He seeks a second opinion.
(b) He follows some of the doctor's instructions.
(c) He follows the doctor's orders.
(d) He ignores the doctor's orders.
2. What style of dress did Gandhi's family adopt upon their return to South Africa?
(a) Gujarati style.
(b) Zulu style.
(c) Parsi style.
(d) European style.
3. Who does Gandhi recommend to fill in for him when he returns to India to visit his family?
(a) Adamji Miyakhan.
(b) Ravi Shankar.
(c) Dr. Mehta.
(d) Abdulla Sheth.
4. What advice does Gandhi give to Indian merchants in South Africa?
(a) To be more charitable.
(b) To create better products and services.
(c) To be truthful.
(d) To be deceptive to make as much money as possible.
5. Why does Gandhi stay in the Transvaal?
(a) To wait until his luggage is relocated.
(b) To serve his jail sentence.
(c) To enroll in the court to deal with the Asiatic Department.
(d) To observe the conditions in Indian communities.
6. Who tries to convert Gandhi to Christianity?
(a) Mr. Wilson.
(b) Mr. Coates.
(c) Mr. Johnston.
(d) Mr. Lely.
7. What is the situation like at Gandhi's house in Natal?
(a) The Indian Congress is using his home as their unofficial office.
(b) His home is sparsely furnished and decorated because he is very frugal.
(c) Servants are maligning each other in order to curry favor with Gandhi.
(d) Gandhi has animals like chickens and goats inside his house.
8. What does Gandhi think about the lodging at Ripon college during the Congress in Calcutta?
(a) That it is a collection of great thinkers.
(b) That the unsanitary conditions are ripe for a disease outbreak.
(c) That it should be the model for other meetings in the future.
(d) That the building should be condemned.
9. What kind of husband does Gandhi desire to be?
(a) An independent husband.
(b) An authoritarian husband.
(c) A faithful husband.
(d) A doting husband.
10. Why can't Gandhi sail to England after he arrives in Bombay?
(a) Members of Gandhi's caste threaten him.
(b) Gandhi and his brother fall victim to a pickpocket.
(c) He forgets his passport in Rajkot.
(d) The Indian Ocean is too rough at that time.
11. Who suggests that Gandhi study law in England?
(a) Mr. Lely.
(b) Gandhi's older brother.
(c) Mavji Dave (Joshiji).
(d) Kasturbai.
12. What trouble does Gandhi's older brother get into?
(a) He embezzles some money.
(b) He gives wrong advice to the Ranasaheb of Porbandar.
(c) He insults a British Political Agent.
(d) He becomes an outcast from their caste.
13. What causes a rift between Gandhi and his brother?
(a) They disagree how money should be divided after the sale of some property.
(b) Gandhi stops sending him money.
(c) An argument over Gandhi's child-rearing practices.
(d) Gandhi's notoriety is causing his brother problems in his community.
14. How are the Indian quarters in Johannesburg referred to?
(a) As the Banana Belt.
(b) As the slave quarters.
(c) As Plague City.
(d) As coolie locations.
15. What action does Gandhi's group take against the Asiatic Department in Johannesburg?
(a) They boycott all non-Indian goods and services.
(b) They go to the police and warrants are issued.
(c) They refuse to get any permits through the Asiatic Department
(d) They file a law suit.
Short Answer Questions
1. What complicates the government's efforts when they try to move Indians out of their district in Johannesburg?
2. Where do Gandhi and his family move for better ventilation?
3. What happens when Gandhi attends the vegetarian convention in Portsmouth?
4. How do the Indians volunteer their services during the Boer War?
5. Why does the Law Society in Natal challenge Gandhi's application for admission?
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