An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Test | Final Test - Medium

Rick Atkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Test | Final Test - Medium

Rick Atkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What strategic mistake did Fredendall make in regards to Faid Pass?
(a) Delayed for two days which allowed German troops to dig in.
(b) Used half measures to counter attack there in order to focus on less strategically important battles.
(c) Issued orders of extreme complexity that confused the front.
(d) Ignored Anderson's order to 'make things right' there, even though it was a pass of little consequence.

2. Who made the following statement: "It is pardonable to be defeated, but unpardonable to be surprised."
(a) Luttrell.
(b) Morre.
(c) Eisenhower.
(d) Drake.

3. What order threatened the success of Rommel's push on Tebessa?
(a) The order to cancel air support.
(b) Repositioning the force futher to the north.
(c) To attack East but only as far as Le Kef.
(d) Only half the tanks requested were allotted to the task.

4. Terry Allen tipped the Allied hand regarding Ultra by doing what?
(a) Under a temporary truce, delivered copies of the intercepts to Rommel in hopes Rommel would surrender.
(b) Flaunted the fact in front of a German capture who later escaped.
(c) Broadcasted a message to the Germans over a 10th Panzer radio frequency.
(d) In retreating, left the code book which was captured.

5. The War department realized that, for combat effectiveness, divisions should not be left in the line longer than how many days?
(a) Twenty to Thirty.
(b) Forty to Fifty.
(c) Fifty to Sixty.
(d) Thrity to Forty.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ultra was able to intercept a German message that informed them the 21st Panzer Division had been ordered forward and that Sunday was to a-day for an operation by Arnim's Fifth Panzer Army. What vital piece of information was missing that would have better prepared the Allies?

2. What example does the author give of McQuillin's suggested use of outdated military technology?

3. Who was Bonnier de la Chapelle?

4. What was General Everlegh confident would fall before the end of Christmas Day?

5. Who said the following: "...infantry, like whiskey, loses potency when diluted."

Short Essay Questions

1. In the battle at Mareth, Montgomery made a mid-battle change of plans that his admirers consider one of the boldest decisions of his career. What was the decision?

2. Characteristic of his history of fighting half measures, what command objective did Fredendall insert in Ward's attack plan on Maknassy pass? And how was it answered by Arnim?

3. What controversial proclamation was made by Roosevelt that Churchill later, and probably falsely, claimed had caught him short?

4. General Harold Alexander is introduced in Chapter 9, what was his position and what was his mission?

5. How did the Axis 'draft' Tunisian Jews for work details around Bizerte and Tunis?

6. General Sir Alan Brooke, is characterized as one of the great generals of the war. But what tragedy in 1925 changed his charmed life and what permanent effects did it have?

7. Old Mac's counterattack at Faid Pass was probably too small a force, but what other mistake did Old Mac make in putting forth the attack?

8. In Chapter Six, the assassination of Admiral Darlan is explained. Describe the Assassin's political cause.

9. What character trait made Robinett a difficult officer to command?

10. Why was Fredendall's defense plan for Faid Pass considered a World War I defense?

(see the answer keys)

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