An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Rick Atkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Rick Atkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to General Patten, it was his expectation of an officer to:
(a) Spread chaos through the destruction of civilian property.
(b) Move ahead.
(c) Defer to their British counterparts.
(d) Lead from the rear and let the troops do the fighting.

2. What was Leedstown?
(a) The English city from which the bulk of the Royal Airforce departed for Africa.
(b) The U.S.S. Leedstown was the first victim of the Luftwaffe in the North African campaign.
(c) An upgraded English tank thought to be more conducive to desert warfare.
(d) The Allied name for the supply depot built in Algiers.

3. What two issues particularly occupied the minds of the American strategists planning Torch?
(a) The training of troops on two different continents and how to merge the forces while at sea.
(b) German U-boats and Japanese dive bombers.
(c) If the plan had been leaked to the Germans and Vichy France's certain role in fighting the landings.
(d) That minimal British troops accompany the initial landings and where to make the landings.

4. What plan did Colonel Frank Greer suggest that was countermanded by Terry Allen?
(a) Circle the town and cut if off from it's supply of troops from Oran.
(b) A building by building guerrilla campaign by infantry.
(c) A creeping artillery barrage through the town of St. Cloud.
(d) Utilize the hill as a defilade and wait for tank support.

5. What was the Service d'Ordre Legionnaire, whom Terry Allen came up against in the battle for St. Cloud?
(a) An expert French artillery division.
(b) French fascists who modeled themselves on the German SS.
(c) French secret service agents who infiltrated the Vichy French ranks.
(d) A battalian of Belgian troops fighting on the side of the Allies.

Short Answer Questions

1. TORCH is considered by the author to have been:

2. What event on November 27 in Toulon represents "one of the greatest acts of self-immolation in military history," according to the author.

3. What events occurred to the disappointment of Hitler around 1941?

4. Hitler reinforced Tunis because of what realization, according to the author?

5. Who traveled to Gibraltar under the nom de guerre of "General Howe."

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Rear Admiral Hewitt's concept of Velvet?

2. What was the building the Allies referred to as the Kasbah?

3. What ultimatum did Patton make to the French at Casablanca after hearing that a French cease fire had been ordered?

4. Describe Brigadier General Ted Roosevelt.

5. What aspect of the RESERVIST plan concerned Winston Churchill and the Americans?

6. What was the reasoning behind the American request that almost no British troops take part in the initial TORCH landings?

7. In planning for the war, what risky initial American strategy did the British succeed in overturning?

8. How did the coincidental presence of Admiral Darlan negatively effect the mission of Robert Murphy?

9. Admiral Darlan did capitulate and surrender Algiers, but what order was he reluctant to make?

10. Describe the term Anglo-American.

(see the answer keys)

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