An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rick Atkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rick Atkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the Service d'Ordre Legionnaire, whom Terry Allen came up against in the battle for St. Cloud?
(a) French secret service agents who infiltrated the Vichy French ranks.
(b) A battalian of Belgian troops fighting on the side of the Allies.
(c) An expert French artillery division.
(d) French fascists who modeled themselves on the German SS.

2. In the winter of 1942, which Nation proved the dominant Air force in North Africa?
(a) Britain.
(b) Germany.
(c) France.
(d) America.

3. When German anti-aircraft gunners in Tunis fired at his plane by mistake, Field marshal Albert Kesselring's response was to:
(a) Re-station them to Antarctica.
(b) Install better sights on the guns.
(c) Order larger swastika's painted on all Axis aircraft.
(d) Rubuke them for missing an easy target.

4. What was operation RESERVIST?
(a) A clandestine mission launched by Patton.
(b) An Allied plan that spread forces across north Tunisia.
(c) A British plan to forestall the sabotage of Oran's port.
(d) A bombing attack from Gibraltar bases on Axis ports in North Africa.

5. What was Leedstown?
(a) The Allied name for the supply depot built in Algiers.
(b) An upgraded English tank thought to be more conducive to desert warfare.
(c) The U.S.S. Leedstown was the first victim of the Luftwaffe in the North African campaign.
(d) The English city from which the bulk of the Royal Airforce departed for Africa.

6. According to the author, what strategic mistake was repeated at the port of Algiers in operation TERMINAL?
(a) Assuming heavy French resistance.
(b) A poorly planned air raid.
(c) The launch of a weak pre-emptive strike.
(d) A frontal assault.

7. What two issues particularly occupied the minds of the American strategists planning Torch?
(a) That minimal British troops accompany the initial landings and where to make the landings.
(b) German U-boats and Japanese dive bombers.
(c) The training of troops on two different continents and how to merge the forces while at sea.
(d) If the plan had been leaked to the Germans and Vichy France's certain role in fighting the landings.

8. What best describes the enemy structure referred to as the 'Kasbah' by Americans?
(a) A beach resort used as a French command center.
(b) A sixteenth-century Portuguese fortress.
(c) A large barn temporarily used as U.S. Army barracks.
(d) A tower originally built during the crusades now used by a nest of snipers.

9. According to the author, why was Allen's decision important in a historical context?
(a) It was the most complicated coordination of tanks and ground troops to that date in modern warfare.
(b) It was the first singular tactical decision by an Americn general in the liberation of Europe.
(c) It was the most bloodiest drive of the campaign and could have been the deciding factor in gaining French support.
(d) It was singularly reckless and signaled his key flaw as a commander.

10. Old Ironsides was both the only tank division to see desert battle in WWII, and:
(a) The only tank division equipped with radios.
(b) The only tank division trained in amphibious assault.
(c) The only tank division to receive no desert training.
(d) The only tank division manned by volunteers.

11. Who did the American contingent meet in Cherchel?
(a) General Mast, the French commander of the Vichy army's XIX Corps.
(b) General Henri Giraud, a senior general capable of uniting the French cause.
(c) Benito Mussolini, Commander General of the Italian Africorps.
(d) The Desert Fox.

12. Rommel was rewarded the Field Marshal's Baton for:
(a) His success in routing French forces from the Suez Canal.
(b) Successfully capturing Stalingrad, Russia.
(c) A successful Blitskrieg against massed French loyalists in Paris.
(d) Capturing 30,000 British Commonwealth troops in Tobruk, Libya.

13. What decision by Rear Admiral Hewitt was considered "a brave decision, the decision of a commander," by Lord Lewis Mountbatten, the commander of British amphibious forces?
(a) To temporarily break the fleet into six parts in order to escape U boats.
(b) To revise the attack and land in force.
(c) To move forward with the invasion as planned, despite conflicting weather reports.
(d) To hold off the invasion until better landings could be found.

14. What event did the President of the United States hope the invasion of North Africa would precede?
(a) The six month mark from the date of declaring war against Japan.
(b) Congressional Elections.
(c) The Fourth of July.
(d) The Christmas holiday.

15. According to the author, what was operation VILLAIN?
(a) The delivery of an armored division by C-47 airplanes to the front lines.
(b) The first American airborne operation of the war, and among the most daring before or since.
(c) The landing of a combined force of British and American special forces troops near Casablanca.
(d) A massive bombing run against Axis airfields in North Africa immediately following TORCH.

Short Answer Questions

1. What promise did General Patton make to the President of the United States in the presence of Rear Admiral Hewitt?

2. According to Rear Admiral Bennett, the RESERVIST plan was:

3. TORCH is considered by the author to have been:

4. What "huge, chairborn force" of more than 1,000 officers and 15,000 enlisted troops occupied 2,000 pieces of real estate in Algiers?

5. What was Robert Murphy's mission in Algiers?

(see the answer keys)

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