An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Rick Atkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An Army at Dawn: The War in Africa, 1942-1943 Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Rick Atkinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What two issues particularly occupied the minds of the American strategists planning Torch?
(a) German U-boats and Japanese dive bombers.
(b) If the plan had been leaked to the Germans and Vichy France's certain role in fighting the landings.
(c) The training of troops on two different continents and how to merge the forces while at sea.
(d) That minimal British troops accompany the initial landings and where to make the landings.

2. What was the Service d'Ordre Legionnaire, whom Terry Allen came up against in the battle for St. Cloud?
(a) An expert French artillery division.
(b) French secret service agents who infiltrated the Vichy French ranks.
(c) A battalian of Belgian troops fighting on the side of the Allies.
(d) French fascists who modeled themselves on the German SS.

3. TORCH is considered by the author to have been:
(a) "The most daring amphibious operation in the history of modern warfare."
(b) "Primarily a diversionary tactic to relieve pressure on the Soviet Union."
(c) "Poorly planned but excellently executed."
(d) "The single worst tactical decision of the war."

4. Rommel was rewarded the Field Marshal's Baton for:
(a) A successful Blitskrieg against massed French loyalists in Paris.
(b) His success in routing French forces from the Suez Canal.
(c) Successfully capturing Stalingrad, Russia.
(d) Capturing 30,000 British Commonwealth troops in Tobruk, Libya.

5. What is Brigadier General Truscott quoted as learning, perhaps in relation to his conflict in Mehdia?
(a) "Luck is worth a division."
(b) "No matter how large the force engaged, every battle is made up of small actions by individuals and small units."
(c) "Nothing undoes a good strategy like French snipers."
(d) "There is no winning, there is only moving on."

Short Answer Questions

1. What maps of Morocco were stowed into the holds of the American fleet heading out for TORCH?

2. According to Rear Admiral Bennett, the RESERVIST plan was:

3. What was General Giraud's stated expectation upon reaching Gibraltar?

4. Against the wishes of his generals, the president of the United States canceled which plan in preference for a North African invasion?

5. What excuse did Patton cite for disobeying orders regarding the planned bombardment of Casablanca.

(see the answer key)

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