An American Marriage Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jones, Tayari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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An American Marriage Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jones, Tayari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two: "Prepare a Table for Me," Pages 124-159 (Roy, Celestial, Andre) .

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Roy says in Part One: "Bridge Music," "If my childhood were a sandwich, there would be no" what (5)?
(a) "Meat hanging off the bread."
(b) "Mustard or mayonnaise."
(c) "Toasted bread and fine cheese."
(d) "Peanut butter."

2. Where is the prison that Roy is incarcerated in?
(a) Jemison.
(b) New Orleans.
(c) Baton Rouge.
(d) Atlanta.

3. What physical trait does Roy share with Walter?
(a) Crossed eyes.
(b) Bow legs.
(c) Baldness.
(d) Nearsightedness.

4. For what kind of company was Roy a rep?
(a) A textbook company.
(b) A vacuum company.
(c) A medical appliances company.
(d) A pharmaceutical company.

5. In a letter to Celestial in Part One: "Bridge Music," Roy tells his wife all the things he misses about her. What does he say he misses most?
(a) Her artwork.
(b) Her singing.
(c) Her embraces.
(d) Her kisses.

Short Answer Questions

1. On what date did Roy and Celestial have their first date?

2. What does Roy describe the name of his potential son?

3. What kind of car did Roy have when he drove to visit his parents in Part One: "Bridge Music"?

4. When Olive develops lung cancer, how long has it been since she has touched a cigarette?

5. Who was Celestial's supervisor at the restaurant where she worked who spoke French?

(see the answer key)

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