An American Hero: The True Story of Charles a. Lindbergh Test | Final Test - Easy

Barry Denenberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An American Hero: The True Story of Charles a. Lindbergh Test | Final Test - Easy

Barry Denenberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Lindbergh do to allow himself to speak openly about politics?
(a) Enter the military.
(b) Return his medal to Germany.
(c) Resign his military commission.
(d) Resign his post at Pan Am.

2. Who conceded territory to Hitler?
(a) Chamberlain.
(b) Roosevelt.
(c) Churchill.
(d) Lindbergh.

3. What did the media call the Lindberghs' estate in Hopewell?
(a) The Flyers' Rest.
(b) The Estate.
(c) The Old Wings Home.
(d) The Eagle's Nest.

4. How successful was Lindbergh at keeping to his strict schedule?
(a) He was only late at one stop, and only because of fog.
(b) He made every stop on time.
(c) He got days behind almost from the start.
(d) He was routinely a few hours behind schedule.

5. What was Lindbergh given by Goering?
(a) Money.
(b) A commission.
(c) An airplane.
(d) A medal.

6. What influence had Lindbergh had on the practice of appeasement?
(a) His estimation of German air strength had led British leaders to make strategic concessions for tactical reasons.
(b) His reports had made Hitler seem beneficial to the territories in question.
(c) His estimation of German air strength had made appeasement seem the best strategy.
(d) He had been critical of attempts to contain Nazism.

7. What was Lindbergh's estimation of Hitler?
(a) He was impressed by him.
(b) He was afraid of him.
(c) He was critical of him.
(d) He was wary of him.

8. What was Anne Lindbergh's position on her husband's views?
(a) She said he was not isolationist enough.
(b) She blamed the bankers in addition to the Jews.
(c) She stood by them.
(d) She apologized for them.

9. What was the Lindberghs' second child's name?
(a) Aidan.
(b) Frederick.
(c) John.
(d) Charles.

10. What did Lindbergh do after World War II?
(a) Rebuilt European industries.
(b) Travel extensively.
(c) Work in Germany.
(d) Consult for airline companies.

11. Who was Colonel Schwarzkopf?
(a) A New Jersey investigator.
(b) An FBI agent.
(c) The kidnapper.
(d) The head of the New Jersey Police.

12. What had changed in Germany's military?
(a) Hitler had let it languish.
(b) Sanctions had weakened it.
(c) Hitler had remilitarized.
(d) The Depression had starved it of cash.

13. What did Lindbergh die of?
(a) Brain tumor.
(b) Old age.
(c) Lymphatic cancer.
(d) Plane crash.

14. Who did the Lindberghs visit in 1937 and 1938?
(a) High-ranking Nazis.
(b) Jewish leaders.
(c) German refugees.
(d) German diplomats.

15. What did Lindbergh think was the best way to handle the investigation?
(a) Patiently.
(b) Publicly.
(c) Aggressively.
(d) Discreetly.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Lindbergh's relation with the media after World War II?

2. What had the kidnapper used to get into the house?

3. Who was Graveyard John?

4. What strategy did Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh adopt for going out in public?

5. What was Lindbergh's advice to England and America?

(see the answer keys)

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