An Abundance of Katherines Test | Final Test - Easy

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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An Abundance of Katherines Test | Final Test - Easy

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is really buried in the grave that is said to be the Archduke's?
(a) Lindsey's great-great grandfather.
(b) Lindsey's great grandfather.
(c) No one.
(d) The founder of Gutshot.

2. What does Colin wake to a week later?
(a) A loud bang coming from the barn.
(b) The ring of his cell phone.
(c) The sound of someone yelling in the backyard.
(d) The sound of a rooster and Hassan praying.

3. What does Hassan do when Lindsey arrives with two other boys?
(a) Tells Lindsey he has to go home with his father.
(b) Shows Lindsey a picture Hassan takes with his cell phone.
(c) Tells Lindsey that Katrina is not a good friend.
(d) Plays the recording he made.

4. What is in the place that Hollis goes to after visiting the factory?
(a) Hollis' sister.
(b) A warehouse.
(c) Hollis' elderly mother.
(d) A buyer.

5. For how many Katherines does Colin's theorem work?
(a) 19.
(b) 12.
(c) 10.
(d) 17.

6. What do Hassan and Lindsey go out and do?
(a) Shop at the mall in the large city near Gutshot.
(b) Play golf frisbee.
(c) Cruise.
(d) Run the dog in the park.

7. What happens when Colin fires at a wild pig?
(a) The recoil knocks him on his rump.
(b) He hits a squirrel.
(c) He hits a hornet's nest instead.
(d) He wounds the pig but does not kill it.

8. Where do the three young people notice a man running a bulldozer?
(a) In the empty lot next to the music store.
(b) On the street near Marketplace.
(c) Behind the warehouse.
(d) In the empty lot by Lindsey's aunt's house.

9. What does Colin tell Hassan he is going to do?
(a) Go burn his notebook.
(b) Not go to college.
(c) Go camping.
(d) Find Lindsey.

10. What does Hassan say about Katrina?
(a) That he kissed her.
(b) That she keeps flirting with Hassan and he's not interested.
(c) That she is a difficult female.
(d) That she makes him mad.

11. What does Lindsey think she knows how to fix?
(a) Hassan's reluctance to stay there longer.
(b) Colin's Katherine theorem.
(c) Hollis' need to control.
(d) Colin's shyness.

12. What does Colin think there is room enough to do?
(a) Grow.
(b) Reinvent himself.
(c) Celebrate.
(d) Be who he was.

13. Why does Lindsey teach Colin what she teaches him?
(a) Just to give him an experience he's never had.
(b) So he can hang a swing over the creek for her.
(c) He is curious about the gears.
(d) So he is not embarrassed the next weekend.

14. What useful bit of information do Colin and Hassan use that they learned during an interview?
(a) That a pig can only see a range of twenty degees sidewards.
(b) That chewing tobacco is good for hornet stings.
(c) That hogs are more likely to attack than to run.
(d) That pigs are more likely to run than to attack.

15. Why do Colin and Hassan use some chewing tobacco?
(a) To look tough in front of the other guys.
(b) They want to experience the full nuances of the hunt.
(c) In a spitting contest.
(d) On their hornet stings.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lindsey teach Colin how to do?

2. What does Lindsey's boyfriend say to Colin and Hassan?

3. Why does Hassan say he is not going to work?

4. What is the topic of conversation that Colin and Lindsey over hear Hollis having?

5. Who do Colin and Hassan follow on the hunt?

(see the answer keys)

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