An Abundance of Katherines Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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An Abundance of Katherines Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 15 and 16.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From where did Starnes retire?
(a) The sheriff's office.
(b) He was a self-employed farmer.
(c) The factory in Gutshot.
(d) He is a self-employed writer and still works.

2. Who was considered the prettiest girl in Colin's class in his junior year?
(a) Hassan's twin sister.
(b) Hassan's older sister.
(c) Katherine XIX.
(d) Marie.

3. In what State do Colin and Hassan stop for their first rest?
(a) West Virginia.
(b) Tennessee.
(c) Kansas.
(d) Kentucky.

4. Why do the boys stop at a convenience store?
(a) It is where the start of the grave is.
(b) They see an advertisement for a free map.
(c) To ask directions to the cemetery.
(d) They see an advertisement for free gas.

5. What happens as Colin is walking behind the convenience store?
(a) He worries about being led into a trap.
(b) He notices the odor of propane.
(c) He falls and hits his head.
(d) He twists his ankle.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Colin and Hassan stop to sleep?

2. How is the person in the grave the boys visit portrayed?

3. What does Lindsey's boyfriend do?

4. What does an elderly woman at the nursing home say that seems to impact Lindsey emotionally?

5. Who is Zeke?

(see the answer key)

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