Amsterdam Test | Final Test - Easy

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Amsterdam Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does Julian's wife claim to know about his sexual proclivities?
(a) Since they began dating.
(b) Since she saw the photos for the first time.
(c) For the last year.
(d) Since the beginning of their marriage.

2. Who begins to denounce Vernon by the end of the weekend?
(a) The Judge's editorials.
(b) Other newspapers.
(c) George.
(d) The television news.

3. Why is Clive going to hike later than he originally wants?
(a) He gets into a car accident.
(b) He meets with George.
(c) He meets with Vernon.
(d) The train is delayed.

4. When does Vernon notice that he has a new purpose in life?
(a) The day he finds out that Clive witnesses a violent argument.
(b) The day after Julian's photos are published.
(c) The day before publication of Julian's photos.
(d) The day after he argues with Clive.

5. What is Vernon's new purpose in life?
(a) To increase circulation for The Judge.
(b) To make Molly's memory count for something.
(c) To ruin Clive's life.
(d) To ruin Julian's life.

6. Which character is the focal point of Chapter Four?
(a) Frank.
(b) Julian.
(c) Vernon.
(d) Clive.

7. Why are the pictures of Julian so scandalous?
(a) Julian is dressed as a woman.
(b) Julian is with another woman.
(c) Julian is completely naked.
(d) Julian is being violent.

8. What does Clive's urgent caller request in Chapter Three?
(a) Photos of Julian.
(b) Information about the argument Clive witnesses.
(c) New music to play.
(d) A meeting.

9. What has Julian been outed as?
(a) A womanizer.
(b) A male chauvinist.
(c) A homosexual.
(d) A transvestite.

10. When Vernon meets with his newspaper staff for the first time in Chapter Four, what happens?
(a) Vernon's staff ignores him because they no longer respect him.
(b) Vernon accepts accolades for his work.
(c) Vernon's staff yells at him for his disappointing work.
(d) Vernon is swamped with phone calls about the publishing of Julian's photos.

11. What is the name of Julian's wife?
(a) Rose.
(b) Mary.
(c) Maria.
(d) Rosaline.

12. What right does Vernon deny Julian by publishing his photos?
(a) The right to sexual expression in private.
(b) The right to public office.
(c) The legal right to own copyright of the pictures.
(d) The right not to be humiliated.

13. What does Clive choose to do when he sees the argument?
(a) He ignores it and keeps working.
(b) He goes over to stop them but gets caught in the middle of it.
(c) He calls the police.
(d) He runs away because he is scared.

14. What does Vernon show Clive when they see each other?
(a) Photographs of Molly.
(b) Moll's last will and testament.
(c) A positive article about Julian.
(d) Photographs of Julian.

15. According to Vernon, why does Clive contact the authorities?
(a) He is witnessed in the area and needs to clear his name.
(b) It's his moral duty.
(c) Clive personally knows the rapist.
(d) His sketch is turned into the police.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Vernon call Clive in Chapter Four?

2. By publishing the pictures, who does Vernon betray?

3. What do both Clive and Vernon fail to see?

4. What does Julian's wife unveil to the media?

5. What does Vernon want Clive to do?

(see the answer keys)

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