Amongst Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Amongst Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the girls react when McQuaid inquires about Luke?
(a) They get tense.
(b) They get angry.
(c) They are excited to share.
(d) They don't know who Luke is.

2. What is Rose's first impression of Moran after they first meet?
(a) She finds him to be loud and borish.
(b) She finds him to be shy and secluded.
(c) She finds him to be mean and controlling.
(d) She finds him to be intelligent and attentive.

3. What kind of car does McQuaid drive?
(a) Mercedes.
(b) Aston Martin.
(c) BMW.
(d) Volvo.

4. What do the locals begin to gossip about in Section 3?
(a) Moran is leading Rose on.
(b) Rose making a fool of herself for love.
(c) Rose is going to break Moran's heart.
(d) Luke is moving home soon.

5. How does Moran react when the girls bring up some of the stories they have heard spoken of about Monaghan Days past?
(a) He ignores them and pretends he didn't hear them talking.
(b) He gets angry and asks them to stop talking.
(c) He gets embarrassed and quiet.
(d) He speaks openly about the horrors of the war.

Short Answer Questions

1. When McQuaid leaves he says, "Some people can not bear to come in second", to whom is he referring?

2. Which word best describes how Moran feels about half of his children moving away?

3. Why does Rose make a habit of joining the evening mail group?

4. Where is the wedding reception located?

5. What is Rose's last name?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Rose stop going to the evening mail group?

2. How does Moran feel about marrying Rose?

3. What does McQuaid mean when he says, "Some people can not bear to come in second"?

4. Why does McQuaid leave Great Meadow early?

5. Describe McQuaid's language towards his wife.

6. Why is Moran ill tempered at the beginning of Section 2?

7. Why does Moran speak so highly about the war?

8. Describe the relationship between Moran and McQuaid.

9. How does McQuaid compliment Moran's daughters during his visit?

10. Why do the girls try so desperately to move Moran's attention away from Luke?

(see the answer keys)

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