Amongst Women Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Amongst Women Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sheila question Moran about in Section 6 that makes Moran very defensive?
(a) Luke being beaten.
(b) Michael being afraid of the gun.
(c) Moran's faith.
(d) The bruises on Rose's arms.

2. Who calls Moran from the school to inquire about Michael?
(a) Sister O'Connell.
(b) Mother Mary Dalles.
(c) Father Murphy.
(d) Brother Michael.

3. What chore does Moran gather the children to do?
(a) Mow and gather the hay.
(b) Clean all the windows.
(c) Pick the fruit from the trees.
(d) Wash the dishes.

4. What do the children tend to do when Moran gets angry?
(a) Become withdrawn and quiet.
(b) Confront their father about his anger.
(c) Fight back.
(d) Slip out of the room.

5. What is the relationship between Maggie and Mark O'Donoghue?
(a) They are former lovers and now friends.
(b) They are co-workers and have never gotten along.
(c) They are strangers.
(d) They are secretly engaged.

6. How does Maggie fill her time since she no longer has household chores to do?
(a) Goes out at night to dances.
(b) Studies for her nursing exams.
(c) Listens to the radio.
(d) Explores the farm.

7. Where does Rose advocate Maggie to go to train as a nurse?
(a) Spain.
(b) Scotland.
(c) United States of America.
(d) England.

8. Where does Moran begin spending much more time after Mark and Maggie's visit?
(a) His bed.
(b) The pub.
(c) The church.
(d) His porch.

9. What is the name of Sheila's boyfriend?
(a) Patrick O'Conner.
(b) Sheamus Wilson.
(c) Sean Flynn.
(d) William Hulahan.

10. What word best describes how Moran feels about Rose going out?
(a) Happy.
(b) Threatened.
(c) Angry.
(d) Scared.

11. How does Rose respond when Moran tells her that the family managed well enough before she came?
(a) She suffers in silence and says nothing.
(b) She slaps Moran and demands and apology.
(c) She tells Moran she will have to go away from there.
(d) She gets and frustrated and explains all the good she has done.

12. On what occasion does Mark visit Great Meadow?
(a) Moran's birthday.
(b) St. Patrick's Day.
(c) Christmas.
(d) Easter.

13. Who stood in for Moran during Maggie's wedding?
(a) Luke.
(b) Mark's father.
(c) Michael.
(d) McQuaid.

14. What does Michael begin to do when he discovers he is attracted to older women?
(a) Dresses in suits to look older.
(b) Stays out late dancing and drinking.
(c) Writes love letters to complete strangers.
(d) Asks women out that he meets at church.

15. What does Michael do when Moran lunges at him?
(a) Michael swings back and breaks Moran's nose.
(b) Michael wrestles Moran to the ground and the two stop when Rose comes in.
(c) Michael avoids the lunge and escapes the house.
(d) Michael gets hit and cries in the corner.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many positions does Maggie get accepted to?

2. Where does Nell Morahan live?

3. As Moran seems to lose his spark for life, what is it that he mentions he feels betrayed by?

4. Rose visits her family to swap what?

5. Where do Sean and Sheila get married?

(see the answer keys)

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