Among the Thugs Test | Final Test - Medium

Bill Buford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Among the Thugs Test | Final Test - Medium

Bill Buford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Buford wonder happens to the crowd when the game goes into overtime without scoring a goal?
(a) Where they go.
(b) If they will dissipate without violence.
(c) How they will react.
(d) What happens to the energy if it is not released by a scored goal.

2. What does Buford say about antisocial behavior and individuality in "Dawes Road, Fulham"?
(a) They are very much the same.
(b) They are detrimental to one another.
(c) Antisocial behavior turns off individuality.
(d) They cannot coexist.

3. What does Buford say about the generation's use of violence at the end of "Dusseldorf"?
(a) They do not understand its magnitude.
(b) This generation will pass its rituals down to the next.
(c) They care about only themselves.
(d) They use violence to feel because they are a generation that is deadend.

4. What does the crowd do that makes it become lawless in "Dawes Road, Fulham"?
(a) Set fire to the stadium.
(b) Destroyed buildings.
(c) Set firt to police cars.
(d) Killed in the street.

5. How does Buford describe the conditions of stadiums in "Cambridge"?
(a) He likes the smell and atmosphere.
(b) They are horrible, lack seats, and have overflowing toilets.
(c) They are really unsanitary.
(d) They are very clean.

Short Answer Questions

1. How are several people injured in the crowd that celebrates the scored goal at the end of "Cambridge"?

2. Where does Buford wake up at the end of "Bury St. Edmunds"?

3. What does Buford say happens to the crowd when the violence "goes off" in "Dawes Road, Fulham"?

4. What are the skinheads doing when Buford watches them in "Bury St. Edmunds"?

5. What does Dougie do to end the party in "Bury St. Edmunds"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Buford say at the end of "Dawes Road, Fulham" about the moment when the mob goes off?

2. What does Buford realize when he is among the crowd in Tottenham in "Dawes Road, Fulham"?

3. What qualities make DJ different from other football supporters according to Buford in "Dusseldorf"?

4. According to Buford, how does a crowd react if a goal is never scored?

5. What does Buford say about crowd theories in the middle of "Dawes Road, Fulham"?

6. What does Buford notice about the man he sees that stood close to him at the game in "Cambridge"?

7. Describe the duality of Harry's life, the man Buford meets in "Dusseldorf."

8. What happens to end the disco party in "Bury St. Edmunds"?

9. Explain what the National Front is and what it promotes.

10. According to Buford, explain what the crowd is like when waiting for a goal to be scored at a football match.

(see the answer keys)

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