Among the Thugs Test | Final Test - Easy

Bill Buford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Among the Thugs Test | Final Test - Easy

Bill Buford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Buford what is the individual aware of in the moment the violence "goes off" in "Dawes Road, Fulham"?
(a) One is not aware at all.
(b) One becomes animalistic.
(c) One becomes refined.
(d) One is only aware of the present.

2. Who does Buford say crowd theories come from in "Dawes Road, Fulham"?
(a) He has his own theory.
(b) No one has come up with a theory.
(c) Those who were victimized by a crowd.
(d) Older people come up with them.

3. What does Robert tell Buford about Sammy?
(a) He is broke.
(b) He will be the head of the ICJ next year.
(c) He is believed to have killed a man.
(d) He is gay.

4. What is the animal sound the crowd imitates as a black player gets a ball?
(a) An ape.
(b) A cat.
(c) An elephant.
(d) A dog.

5. Who does Buford say leads a double life of family man and mob supporter in "Dusseldorf"?
(a) Harry.
(b) Neil Watson.
(c) Tom Melody.
(d) Mick.

6. What does Buford note about himself and the man he recognizes from the stadium in "Cambridge"?
(a) He is poorer than Buford.
(b) He is richer than Buford.
(c) They do not speak as they are now individuals.
(d) They hate eachother.

7. Where is Buford walking when he recognizes the man in the stadium in "Cambridge"?
(a) To a pub.
(b) To his car.
(c) To his hotel.
(d) Down the street.

8. Why does Buford say this moment of violence is addictive to those in the crowd on "Dawes Road, Fulham"?
(a) It is an extreme need to fulfiill.
(b) To release one's tension is addicting.
(c) It is one of the most pleasureable experiences.
(d) It is one of pain that is released in the violence.

9. What does Buford realize about the violence when Sammy stands in front of the group in "Dawes Road, Fulham"?
(a) It is spontaneous.
(b) It is going to go off.
(c) It is a riot.
(d) The violence is planned and not spontaneous.

10. What does Buford attend at the beginning of "Bury St. Edmunds"?
(a) A First National Front disco party.
(b) A football game.
(c) A party in West End.
(d) A classical music concert.

11. Where is the match Buford flies to held in "Dusseldorf"?
(a) Spain.
(b) London.
(c) Dusseldorf.
(d) Italy.

12. How does the crowd feel according to Buford in the first half of the FA Cup match in "Cambridge"?
(a) They are angry.
(b) They are drunk and not paying attention.
(c) They are tense as a score is almost made.
(d) They are anxious.

13. Who believes that football violence is more of a true political movement in "Bury St. Edmunds"?
(a) Ian Anderson.
(b) Mick.
(c) Phil Andrews.
(d) Neil.

14. What are the skinheads doing when Buford watches them in "Bury St. Edmunds"?
(a) Fighting.
(b) Eating.
(c) Dancing and jumping up and down.
(d) Chanting.

15. What does Buford say the power of the National Front depends on?
(a) The football score.
(b) The crowd mentality.
(c) The firm leaders.
(d) The mom's of the football players.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Buford explain at the beginning of "Dawes Road, Fulham"?

2. Where is the European Championship supposed to be held in the chapter, "Dusseldorf"?

3. What does DJ think about the football violence's cause in "Dusseldorf"?

4. How does Buford describe those who attack the tank feel in "Dawes Road, Fulham"?

5. What does Buford say most things in life serve us as in "Dawes Road, Fulham"?

(see the answer keys)

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