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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Since not being able to eat breakfast with the whole family, why doesn't Luke ask for butter for his toast anymore?
2. What does Luke's Dad do every day at lunchtime?
3. What do Luke's brothers, Matthew and Mark, complain that they will have to do since Luke is not allowed outside anymore?
4. What does Mother do when she opens the tax bill?
5. What does Luke call the new family that has a row of birdhouses in their backyard?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Luke have to hide away from other people?
2. What does Luke realize about being an illegal third child?
3. What is one of the things that Luke observes in Chapter 11 that confirms to him that there is someone hiding in the Sports Family home?
4. What does Luke do when he realizes the screen door to the Sport's Family's house is locked?
5. Even though his family has a startling lack of empathy for his position, how does Luke show his empathy in Chapter 7?
6. What does Luke's mom tell him about how she became pregnant with him in Chapter 2?
7. What is Luke's father's attitude about Luke?
8. What happens when Luke comes upon the girl in the Sport's Family's house?
9. Why do the Luke's parents decide to sell their hogs?
10. Does Luke's mother stick up for him?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Luke's family displays a startling lack of empathy for his position, while Luke is a highly empathetic child. Analyze the concept of empathy throughout the novel. What examples from the book demonstrate the lack of empathy Luke's family has for his situation? How does Luke's father and brothers treat him versus his mother? How does Luke show empathy for his mother?
Essay Topic 2
The reason for Luke and Jen being shadow children is made clear in the novel, "Among the Hidden" -- the country faced a crisis of overpopulation and famine. The government reacted to the crisis with the Population Law, where no one is allowed more than two children. Analyze the theme of overpopulation. What does the Government in this novel give for the reason of the Population Law? Compare the world in "Among the Hidden" to how the world is today. Is our world headed in that direction?
Essay Topic 3
Explore the use of foreshadowing in the "Among the Hidden" and analyze how it affects the overall story. Why would Margaret Peterson Haddix choose to use this literary device in her writing? How does the use of foreshadow enhance the story? Is it easy to see where foreshadowing has been used?
This section contains 1,055 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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