Among the Free Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Among the Free Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 11, Luke spends the night where?
(a) In the shed.
(b) In a cave.
(c) In a field.
(d) In the village.

2. What is the name of the boy who meets Luke in Chapter 18 and goes with him to the Population Police Headquarters?
(a) James Everts.
(b) Don Everts.
(c) Ricky Everts.
(d) Mark Everts.

3. How old was Luke when he was discovered hiding out on his parents' farm?
(a) 15.
(b) 10.
(c) 12.
(d) 7.

4. In Chapter 16, Eli confesses that they used to turn in people with what to receive food in return?
(a) Guns.
(b) Third children.
(c) Exotic pets.
(d) Drugs.

5. What does Luke reach after wandering in Chapter 12?
(a) A huge city.
(b) A massive mountain.
(c) A waterfall.
(d) An abandoned village.

6. Who takes Luke and the other boys to the town of Chiutza to knock on each door to summon the residents for a town meeting in Chapter 2?
(a) Philip Twinings.
(b) Aldous Krakenaur.
(c) Oscar Wydell.
(d) Officer Houk.

7. Which direction does Luke decide to head after waking up in Chapter 11?
(a) Towards town.
(b) Away from town.
(c) North.
(d) East.

8. What is a literary figure of speech that uses an image, story or tangible thing to represent a less tangible thing or some intangible quality or idea?
(a) Plot.
(b) Pathos.
(c) Protagonist.
(d) Metaphor.

9. In Chapter 7, Luke presses the boy for information and the boy takes him to what that he is turning into his shelter?
(a) A church.
(b) A shed.
(c) A cave.
(d) A cellar.

10. The villagers who help Luke when he escapes the Population Police in Chapter 13 ask if he is wearing what?
(a) A bulletproof vest.
(b) A Population Police uniform.
(c) Socks.
(d) A wire.

11. What is Luke's last name in the novel?
(a) Phillips.
(b) Garner.
(c) Weaver.
(d) Jenkins.

12. In Chapter 17, Luke spends the night where?
(a) In a church.
(b) In the woods.
(c) In an abandoned village.
(d) In a cave.

13. According to the villagers in Chapter 15, the Population Police made them grow what crops?
(a) Onions and garlic.
(b) Corn and soybeans.
(c) Oats and berries.
(d) Cabbage and potatoes.

14. What does Luke hear as he falls asleep in Chapter 5?
(a) Lions.
(b) Gun shots.
(c) Wolves.
(d) Jackals.

15. In Chapter 7, the boy who grabs Luke is the boy who was assigned to work with him under whom?
(a) Officer Houk.
(b) Oscar Wydell.
(c) Philip Twinings.
(d) Aldous Krakenaur.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Luke and the villagers eat in celebration in Chapter 15?

2. In Chapter 10, Luke runs from the shooting back where?

3. As Luke watches, the boy in Chapter 9 goes to the house where the party is and puts his hand through a window with what covering it?

4. What does Luke see from the window before he goes to bed in Chapter 16?

5. In Chapter 12, when a man yells that he is on official Population Police business, what happens?

(see the answer keys)

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