Among Schoolchildren Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Among Schoolchildren Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Mrs. Zajac want to come back as in her next life?
(a) A principal.
(b) A radio announcer.
(c) An air traffic controller.
(d) A farmer.

2. What did Clarence say on his way out of his after-school meeting with Mrs. Zajac on Friday afternoon?
(a) "I hate Mrs. Zajac!"
(b) "I hate this school!"
(c) "I'm too stupid for school."
(d) "I'm never coming back."

3. What did Dick say to a classmate one day about Mrs. Zajac?
(a) "She can be a real pain."
(b) "She is a fun teacher but mean when she gets mad."
(c) "She sees everything, so don't bother."
(d) "She knows every trick in the book."

4. What did the principal of Kelly School identify as one of his better skills?
(a) Discipline.
(b) Organization.
(c) Parent conferences.
(d) Teaching.

5. What was Mrs. Zajac's maiden name?
(a) Christine Pemmer.
(b) Christine Pepper.
(c) Christine Peddler.
(d) Christine Padden.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the Highland Dingle?

2. What did Judith do when she had finished her classwork and had extra time?

3. About half of Mrs. Zajac's class was what nationality?

4. What did Mrs. Zajac tell her students to think when they hand in their work to her?

5. How many minutes did Mrs. Zajac give students to read whatever they want to?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Mrs. Zajac begin her school day? What did she teach in the mornings? Why was this a challenge?

2. Who was Alphonse Laudato? What kind of job did he have at Kelly School? Did Mrs. Zajac like him? Why or why not?

3. Why did Clarence immediately catch Mrs. Zajac's eye? What were some of his behaviors in the classroom? What did she and her student teacher Miss Hunt notice about Clarence?

4. What subject did Mrs. Zajac's students have on Wednesday afternoons? How was the behavior in the classroom different from other times as the students prepared their Halloween project?

5. What happened in the 1970's to the town of Holyoke? How did this affect the town and its economy? What plans did the state and local governments come up with to renew Holyoke?

6. What were the demographics of Kelly School? Were they in line with the demographics of the community? What else do we know about the families attending Kelly School?

7. What was the name of Mrs. Zajac's school and where was it located? What did we know about the school? What was the make-up of the student body in her classroom?

8. What is the concept of "dual captivity"?

9. How did Clarence's behavior change in the first three days of school? What was Mrs. Zajac's reaction? What were Clarence's consequences for his behavior? What does Mrs. Zajac finally decide to do?

10. When and where did Mrs. Zajac have time to grade her social studies papers? What trend did Mrs. Zajac see in her students' performance? Who in particular had made real strides in class and homework? Who had not done so well?

(see the answer keys)

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