Among Schoolchildren Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Among Schoolchildren Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Pedro's mother write on the bottom of his permission slip for the core evaluation?
(a) "I am sick with high blood pressure. I want to die."
(b) "I think it is kind of you to do this for my son."
(c) "I am afraid Pedro will not sit still for all of the tests."
(d) "Do not bother my son Pedro, everything is fine."

2. What was the first social studies question Mrs. Zajac asked her class?
(a) "What planet do we live on?"
(b) "What is the name of the country to the north of us?"
(c) "What country is to the south of us?"
(d) "What is the name of our country?"

3. What percentage of Kelly School children came from homes receiving some form of public assistance?
(a) 75%.
(b) 40%.
(c) 25%.
(d) 60%.

4. What quality did Mrs. Zajac think Pam displayed that was most important for a new teacher?
(a) The sense of order she wanted to have.
(b) Her detachment from the children.
(c) Her determination to get through her assigned work.
(d) The emotion she brought to the job.

5. What was something Mrs. Zajac liked about Pam's lessons for the children?
(a) She had a strong teaching voice.
(b) She was organized and a good disciplinarian.
(c) She taught one thing at a time.
(d) She incorporated games into her teaching.

6. What did the principal of Kelly School identify as one of his better skills?
(a) Discipline.
(b) Teaching.
(c) Organization.
(d) Parent conferences.

7. What happened to Lisette, one of the quiet children in the room, in October?
(a) Her building burned down and her family moved away.
(b) She was chosen to be in a spelling bee.
(c) Her mother had a baby.
(d) She became sick and quit school.

8. How many reading groups did Mrs. Zajac have in her classroom?
(a) Five.
(b) Three.
(c) Four.
(d) Two.

9. What did Mrs. Zajac say was the important thing Judith and Alice had in common?
(a) They both had two parents who took care of, and cared for them.
(b) They both were church going young girls.
(c) They both knew Spanish and English.
(d) They were both in Girl Scouts troops.

10. Who took care of Mrs. Zajac's infant daughter while she was teaching?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her husband Billy.
(c) Her aunt.
(d) A childcare center.

11. Who was Lil?
(a) The school nurse.
(b) The principal's secretary.
(c) Clarence's mother.
(d) The principal.

12. After two days of being out of her class while Miss Hunt taught it, what did Mrs. Zajac say?
(a) "Why would anyone want to become a teacher today?"
(b) "Pam will never make a good teacher."
(c) "Oh! I want my class back!"
(d) "What a relief not to be in there!"

13. What were the two smells in Mrs. Zajac's class at the beginning of the school year?
(a) Floor cleaner and rubber cement.
(b) Construction paper, and roach and rodent spray.
(c) Flowers from outside and bologna sandwiches.
(d) Crayons and new books.

14. What happened to the Flats in the 1980's?
(a) Michelin Tire Co. opened a factory there.
(b) People set fire to abandoned buildings.
(c) The city turned it into green space.
(d) Rehab companies built high rises.

15. What was something Mrs. Zajac thought was a weakness of Pam's as a teacher?
(a) She had a soft speaking voice.
(b) She put Clarence in the front of the room.
(c) She did not dress appropriately for class.
(d) She was never in class on time.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Clarence was particularly nasty to Pam, what did Judith say to him?

2. What did Judith do when she had finished her classwork and had extra time?

3. What does Mrs. Zajac believe is the first prerequisite for discipline?

4. What was the core evaluation Mrs. Zajac wanted to get started for Pedro?

5. About half of Mrs. Zajac's class was what nationality?

(see the answer keys)

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