Amina's Voice Test | Final Test - Medium

Khan, Hena
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Amina's Voice Test | Final Test - Medium

Khan, Hena
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mama believe happened when she sees that Amina is upset?
(a) That Amina has done something horrible.
(b) That Thaya Jaan is trying to make Amina stop singing.
(c) That Amina is keeping a secret about Mustafa.
(d) That Thaya Jaan has said something to upset her.

2. What does Amina notice about Soojin that surprises her?
(a) Soojin has written "Susan" all over her notebook.
(b) Soojin has had her tongue pierced.
(c) Soojin is wearing perfume.
(d) Soojin is wearing lip gloss.

3. Why does Mama say the surah does not apply to Amina's situation?
(a) Children are not held accountable for their actions.
(b) Amina was not being mean on purpose.
(c) Amina did not understand the surah before the situation.
(d) Emily and Soojin are not Muslim.

4. Who does Mama insist is the first to fill their plate with food at her dinner party?
(a) Thaya Jaan.
(b) Amina.
(c) Imam Malik.
(d) Baba.

5. What is Amina's reaction when she learns why Imam Malik is angry with Mustafa?
(a) She agrees not to tell if he will do her chores for a week.
(b) She rushes to tell her parents.
(c) She cries.
(d) She calls him names and runs outside.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Baba respond to Thaya Jaan's comment about Amina's music?

2. What does Amina hear Thaya Jaan say about music?

3. What does Baba say about the reason some Muslims believe music is wrong?

4. What does Mama say Amina should wear for the Friday evening out with Thaya Jaan?

5. What does Amina do when she sees Imam Malik talking to Mustafa in the hall during the Sunday School break?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the conversation Amina overhears between Imam Malik and Mustafa during the break in Sunday School? What is Amina's reaction?

2. What happens the morning after the dinner party that wakes Amina so early?

3. Why does Amina tell Bradley that Emily likes Justin?

4. What is Mama's reaction when Amina reveals Thaya Jaan's opinion of music?

5. What is Amina's role in the musical, A Blast from the Past, and what does she think about this role?

6. What does Emily reveal about her family that makes Amina realize Emily's family is not as perfect as Amina had believed?

7. What does Amina expect Bradley to do with the information that Emily likes Justin, and why does she have this expectation?

8. What is the comparison Amina makes to the leaves on the playground, and why does she feel this way?

9. Where does Mama decide to go the morning the Islamic Center is vandalized? What prompts her to make this decision?

10. How do Emily and Soojin react when Amina tells them she revealed Emily's secret to Bradley?

(see the answer keys)

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