Amerika: The Missing Person Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 222 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Amerika: The Missing Person Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 222 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Karl is wandering through the vast Pollunder house, what is he reminded of?
(a) The cozy warmth of his parents' home in Germany.
(b) The sprawling interior of the ship he traveled to America on.
(c) The many floors of offices in his uncle's building.
(d) Families on the east side of the city who live crowded together in one room.

2. What is the main source of lighting at the Pollunder home?
(a) Electric lights.
(b) Lanterns placed next to the walls.
(c) Torches in sconces on the walls.
(d) Servants standing in the hallways with candles.

3. What does the stoker suggest that Karl should do with his life?
(a) Go to college.
(b) Find work out West.
(c) Go back to Europe.
(d) Join a trade union.

4. When Schubal enters the office, what is he wearing?
(a) A kitchen maid's apron.
(b) An imperial frock coat.
(c) A colorfully embroidered vest.
(d) Grey leather trousers.

5. In the story's opening, what does Karl realize he has left below deck?
(a) His walking stick.
(b) His hat.
(c) His umbrella.
(d) His trunk.

Short Answer Questions

1. At what time of day do Karl's English lessons occur?

2. When Karl imagines that his visit to the Pollunders might become "the turning point in his relationship with his uncle," what techniques are being used (57)?

3. After dinner, what does Karl begin to suspect caused his uncle to be so reluctant about his visit to the Pollunder home?

4. How does Karl almost fall from a window at the Pollunder house?

5. What makes Karl feel better about the early hour at which he has to get up for his riding lessons?

Short Essay Questions

1. In what way is Karl's experience in the Pollunder house similar to his experience onboard the ship?

2. What does Karl discover about Mak on his trip to the Pollunder home?

3. How does Karl's uncle happen to be present on the ship that Karl sailed on?

4. What details portray the women in the ship's kitchen as boldly flirtatious?

5. Explain how Karl's inability to keep track of his possessions causes complications in "The Stoker."

6. What conclusions has Karl already come to about America when the second chapter opens, and why?

7. Describe Karl's first vision of the Statue of Liberty.

8. What claims does the stoker make against Schubal?

9. What mixed messages does Karl get from Jakob about the visit to Pollunder's country home?

10. What analogy does Jakob draw between Karl and a newborn baby?

(see the answer keys)

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