Amerika: The Missing Person Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 222 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Amerika: The Missing Person Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 222 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does it mean that the head waiter has a "choleric" temperament?
(a) He has a hot temper.
(b) He is easily confused.
(c) He is cold and cynical.
(d) He processes information slowly.

2. From context clues, what can logically be inferred about what Brunelda's neighbor is studying?
(a) He is studying law.
(b) He is studying medicine.
(c) He is studying business.
(d) He is studying engineering.

3. When Robinson appears at the hotel, what does Karl see sticking out of Robinson's pocket?
(a) A letter.
(b) A knife.
(c) A brandy bottle.
(d) A photograph.

4. What rule does Karl find out he has violated when he returns to his lift after escorting Robinson to the dormitory?
(a) Lift boys are not allowed to have visitors at the hotel.
(b) Lift boys are supposed to report any suspicious visitors to the porter's office.
(c) Lift boys are not allowed to have others cover for them while they are away from the lifts.
(d) Lift boys are supposed to report their absence to the head waiter via telephone.

5. How does Delamarche wake Karl in the morning?
(a) He drops the lid of Karl's trunk.
(b) He whispers in Karl's ear.
(c) He tickles Karl under the arm.
(d) He tips Karl's chair backward.

6. Where does Brunelda say that Karl can sleep when he first arrives at the apartment?
(a) On a pile of curtains.
(b) Behind the closets.
(c) On the settee.
(d) In the bathtub.

7. What prevents Karl from escaping when he is sent inside to prepare Brunelda's bed for the night?
(a) Robinson is asleep in front of the door.
(b) Karl does not know how to get out of the building.
(c) The apartment door is locked.
(d) Delamarche goes inside and keep watch.

8. What is the likely intended purpose of the scene with the coffeepot during the morning at the inn?
(a) It reveals Karl's innocence and vulnerability.
(b) It foreshadows Robinson and Delamarche's thievery.
(c) It is a comical portrayal of life in America.
(d) It contributes to the inn's eerie atmosphere.

9. How long is Karl at the Occidental Hotel before he hears that Delamarche has been asking about him?
(a) Two months.
(b) A week.
(c) Two weeks.
(d) A month.

10. What is Karl eating at the end of Chapter V, "At the Occidental Hotel"?
(a) Salami.
(b) A banana.
(c) An apple.
(d) Cheese.

11. What is the significance of the lift boy that passes Karl and Robinson while Karl is sneaking Robinson into the dormitory?
(a) He is running from the fight in the dormitory.
(b) He has been called to clean the light shaft.
(c) He has been called to cover Karl's lift.
(d) He has a message for the head waiter.

12. When he is in the office talking with the head waiter and the head porter, what does Karl believe is the cause of most of their accusations against him?
(a) Mistaken identity.
(b) Rumors started by Rennel.
(c) Jealousy over the head cook's favoritism.
(d) Concern for the hotel's reputation.

13. Why are Karl and Robinson sent out to the balcony shortly after they arrive at the apartment?
(a) Brunelda wants to take a bath.
(b) Brunelda wants them to clean the balcony.
(c) Brunelda wants private time with Delamarche.
(d) Brunelda wants to take a nap.

14. When Karl realizes that he is going to be fired despite two months of exemplary work, what does he realize is true about life?
(a) When you make a mistake, people often fail to consider the merit you have shown in the past.
(b) Outside forces beyond our control are often more powerful than our good intentions.
(c) It is impossible to be perfect forever, regardless of how hard you are willing to try.
(d) It is just when you become sure of yourself that your attention slips and disaster occurs.

15. What surprises Delamarche and Robinson about Karl's time in New York?
(a) He learned very little English.
(b) He saw almost nothing of the city.
(c) He did not find himself a girlfriend.
(d) He did not meet any native New Yorkers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What feature of his mother's face does Karl focus on in the photograph of her and his father?

2. After whom is the fictional town of Ramses named?

3. Whose holds the job the head porter calls the "most stupid work in the entire hotel" (175)?

4. To whom does the head waiter place a phone call after he fires Karl?

5. What comic detail is offered about the head porter's appearance?

(see the answer keys)

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