Americanah Test | Final Test - Medium

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Americanah Test | Final Test - Medium

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What magazine does Aunty Onenu compare Zoe to in Chapter 45?
(a) Cosmopolitan.
(b) Teen.
(c) Glass.
(d) Elle.

2. What blog title is described in Chapter 42 as "the most personal post [Ifemelu] had written about the black American"?
(a) “A Michelle Obama Shout-Out Plus Hair as a Race Metaphor.”
(b) "Traveling While Black."
(c) "Just This Evening."
(d) “Why Dark-Skinned Black Women Both American and Non-American Love Barack Obama.”

3. What aspect of Aunty Onenu's home does Ranyinudo say is as big as her entire flat in Chapter 45?
(a) Her generator.
(b) Her kitchen.
(c) Her bedroom.
(d) Her living room.

4. How does Aunty Uju describe her patients that have attempted suicide in Chapter 43?
(a) All white teenagers.
(b) All middle-aged women.
(c) All males in their twenties.
(d) All black teenagers.

5. What is the name of the receptionist at the Zoe magazine office?
(a) Kosi.
(b) Araminta.
(c) Esther.
(d) Tendai.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Blaine's ex-girlfriend that reads one of Ifemelu's blog posts at the party in Chapter 36?

2. Who is Shan's boyfriend that calls Blaine's home in Chapter 40?

3. What is Priye's profession in Chapter 44?

4. Where does Blaine live when he and Ifemelu become lovers?

5. What online account does Obinze reactivate in order to search for Ifemelu in Chapter 42?

Short Essay Questions

1. What connection does Ifemelu reach with Aisha in Chapter 41? What does this foreshadow?

2. What history do Obinze and Emenike have? What connects these characters?

3. What ideas are addressed regarding African immigration at Emenike's dinner party?

4. What foreshadowing can be seen in Ifemelu's relationship with Blaine in Chapter 36?

5. What does the bookstore symbolize in Chapter 27?

6. How are Ranyinudo's perceptions of gender roles demonstrated in Part 7?

7. Discuss the theme of identity as it applies to Dike. How does Dike perceive his identity?

8. What issues does Shan describe with her editor and the publication of her book?

9. How are Obinze's emotions revealed through his actions in Chapter 42?

10. How is the motif of accents addressed by Ranyinudo in Part 7?

(see the answer keys)

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