American War Test | Final Test - Medium

Omar El Akkad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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American War Test | Final Test - Medium

Omar El Akkad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are Dana's last words to Sarat?
(a) "I'll tell Mother hello for you."
(b) "Forgive them, Sarat."
(c) "Fight hard for me."
(d) "Beautiful girl, I miss you already."

2. How many men are involved in the beginning of the Yuffsy?
(a) 22.
(b) 12.
(c) 50.
(d) 6.

3. Who does Sarat think of when she needs calming and reassurance?
(a) Albert Gaines.
(b) Simon.
(c) Dana.
(d) Her father.

4. Who does Sarat ask to take care of her writings?
(a) Albert Gaines.
(b) Layla Denomme, Jr.
(c) Adam Bragg.
(d) Karina Chestnut.

5. What is flying steak?
(a) Hawk.
(b) Chicken.
(c) Pigeon.
(d) Seagull.

Short Answer Questions

1. What smell does Sarat associate with her sister's death and the force-feeding at the detention camp?

2. What did Joe do when he fought with Gaines in the previous war during the Russian expansion and the creation of the Bouazizi Empire?

3. Why does Sarat spare the lives of the Last Salt Lake Boy's children?

4. Why are the Salt Lake Boys indebted to Mr. Bragg, Senior?

5. How much time does Sarat spend as a detainee at the camp?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the great martyr's mural?

2. Discuss Sarat's reaction to finding out that Gaines had lots of other recruits.

3. Why does Sarat not kill Albert Gaines?

4. How did the Chestnuts come to have such a fine estate?

5. Why does Sarat not want the house to run on solar power?

6. What is Sarat's reaction to the survival of her brother?

7. Where does Sarat opt to live when she is released from Sugarloaf to go back home?

8. What is Joe's role in the apocalypse to come?

9. Why does Sarat ask Simon to forgive her?

10. Explain the significance of the person sending out the invitation to the Reunification Day Ceremony.

(see the answer keys)

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