American War Test | Final Test - Easy

Omar El Akkad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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American War Test | Final Test - Easy

Omar El Akkad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Sarat spare the lives of the Last Salt Lake Boy's children?
(a) Because they are infants.
(b) Because they have red hair.
(c) Because they have measles.
(d) Because they are twins.

2. Who is the informant that Sarat meets at Prince Wendell's coffee shop?
(a) Marcus Exum.
(b) Albert Gaines.
(c) Joe.
(d) Joseph Weiland, Jr.

3. What does Sarat's informant ask her to do?
(a) To lay low for a little while.
(b) To pay him $100 dollars.
(c) To hand over her extra supplies to him.
(d) To run away with him.

4. What does Benjamin say is his sentence in life?
(a) To eat, drink, and be merry.
(b) To know and understand.
(c) To hear music and not be able to play.
(d) To be sick and ill.

5. To what city do Dana and Sarat go for a little entertainment after Sarat performs her kill?
(a) Valdosta.
(b) Memphis.
(c) Columbus.
(d) Augusta.

6. Who does Sarat ask to take care of her writings?
(a) Adam Bragg.
(b) Layla Denomme, Jr.
(c) Karina Chestnut.
(d) Albert Gaines.

7. What do people call Simon?
(a) The Lone Wolf.
(b) The Miracle Boy.
(c) The Man-Child.
(d) The Sole Survivor.

8. Why does Marcus think that the North stationed him as a patrol agent in the South?
(a) Because he is willing to do dangerous duty.
(b) Because he looks like most Reds.
(c) Because he can speak with a Southern drawl.
(d) Because he is small and non-intimidating.

9. How much time does Sarat spend as a detainee at the camp?
(a) 6 weeks.
(b) A decade.
(c) 3 years.
(d) 8 months.

10. When Sarat returns to the Chestnut home, where does she choose to stay?
(a) In the caretakers cottage.
(b) In the greenhouse where okra grew.
(c) In the luxurious guest room.
(d) In the old woodshed.

11. How do Trough and Bragg intend to sneak Sarat into the North?
(a) Sneaking into her the cargo hold of a ship.
(b) Digging a tunnel for her to get to the North.
(c) Disguising her as a Northern soldier.
(d) Putting her on a medical shuttle.

12. How long is Sarat imprisoned at Sugarloaf?
(a) 25 days.
(b) 20 years.
(c) 7 years.
(d) 8 months.

13. Who does the interrogator at the camp tell Sarat turned her in?
(a) Marcus Exum.
(b) Albert Gaines.
(c) Bud Baker.
(d) Adam Bragg.

14. What does Benjamin do with Sarat's diaries?
(a) He burns them.
(b) He memorizes them.
(c) He publishes them.
(d) He sells them.

15. Who is Adam Bragg, Jr.?
(a) Albert Gaines' brother.
(b) The son of the leader of the United Rebels.
(c) A friend of Joseph Weiland, Jr.
(d) The want-to-be leader of the Free Southern States.

Short Answer Questions

1. What fake name does Sarat often give to acquaintances?

2. What kind of college degree does Benjamin earn?

3. What does the Widow Bentley ask Karina to do?

4. What does Sarat do with her time while she is holed away in the shed?

5. Who is the President of the South?

(see the answer keys)

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