Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. For what are Betty Hemings' grandchildren mistaken?
2. Why does the audience not ask questions regarding Jefferson's slave ownership and relationship with Sally Hemings?
3. What does the Virginia Assembly do, regarding Jefferson's reaction to the invasion by Benedict Arnold's troops?
4. Of what has Jefferson either never learned the technique or accepted the necessity?
5. With whom did Jefferson engage in vile public clashes?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Jefferson hate Alexander Hamilton so much?
2. How is Jefferson's most successful financial enterprise operated?
3. How does Jefferson receive advice from Abigail Adams while he is in France?
4. What is known about Jefferson prior to his becoming a political figure?
5. What do John Wales and Thomas Jefferson possibly have in common?
6. Why does Martha force Jefferson to promise to never remarry?
7. What is Jefferson's ideal Utopian society?
8. What two decisions shape his entire life?
9. What do Patsy and Polly have in common?
10. Why might, by the standards of Jefferson's day, having an affair with a slave and fathering children by her be considered unethical?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Jefferson dies in debt.
Part 1) How does he find himself in debt?
Part 2) What does he do to get out of debt?
Part 3) Why does he have a difficult time changing his lifestyle to get out of debt?
Essay Topic 2
Jefferson loves his wife, but he finds a woman who is a rare equal.
Part 1) Who is this woman?
Part 2) How is she the equal of Jefferson?
Part 3) What type of relationship do these two have?
Essay Topic 3
To Jefferson everything is black or white.
Part 1) Give examples from the text that prove this.
Part 2) Why do you believe he hates compromise?
Part 3) How does this aspect of his personality affect his life and relationships?
This section contains 518 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |