American Sphinx Test | Final Test - Medium

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

American Sphinx Test | Final Test - Medium

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of what change in the U.S. would Jefferson disapprove?
(a) The erosion of states' rights.
(b) The abolition of slavery.
(c) The fight for family farms.
(d) Efforts to protect the environment.

2. What are John Adam's final words?
(a) "Thomas Jefferson lives."
(b) "The Founding Fathers are no more."
(c) "The Founding Fathers live."
(d) "Thomas Jefferson is no more."

3. Who handles the negotiations with the French?
(a) Madison.
(b) Adams.
(c) Burr.
(d) Jefferson.

4. Why does Napoleon enter into negotiations to sell what is called the Louisiana Purchase?
(a) He is friends with Jefferson.
(b) He fears the U.S.
(c) He needs cash to fund European wars.
(d) He does not like the North American soil.

5. How many slaves does Jefferson free in his will?
(a) All of his slaves.
(b) Only the Hemings.
(c) Only the house slaves.
(d) Only five slaves.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jefferson say to Elizabeth Walker's husband?

2. What small parade precedes him to the Capitol?

3. When does this erosion take place?

4. How does Ellis describe Jefferson regarding his sexual energy?

5. Why does the wife of a British minister refer to his administration as "barbaric?"

Short Essay Questions

1. How are Jefferson's views of slavery at this point in his life?

2. Who are the last two surviving Founding Fathers, and how are they treated?

3. What has happened to Jefferson's and Adam' friendship?

4. How does Jefferson's arrival in Washington, D.C., differ from his arrivals in Philadelphia and Paris?

5. How do Jefferson and Adams begin to reconcile their friendship?

6. How is Jefferson's public speaking as president?

7. Why does Jefferson make the Louisiana Purchase?

8. What is the reason for the lack of pomp in his arrival to the Capitol?

9. Why does Ellis believe this affair is out of Jefferson's character?

10. What is remarkable about the deaths of Jefferson and Adams?

(see the answer keys)

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