American Sphinx Test | Final Test - Easy

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

American Sphinx Test | Final Test - Easy

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Jefferson the most popular historical figure?
(a) Pennsylvania.
(b) Washington, D.C.
(c) Virginia.
(d) On the internet.

2. What changes would Jefferson wholeheartedly approve?
(a) The technological advances.
(b) African Americans in positions of power.
(c) The Industrial Revolution.
(d) The abolition of slavery.

3. Who points out "The true Jeffersonian legacy is to be hostile to legacies?"
(a) James Joyce.
(b) Jaqueline Applegate.
(c) Joyce Appleby.
(d) Joclyn Smith.

4. What is one of Jefferson's primary goals?
(a) The elimination of foreigners in the U.S.
(b) The elimination of urban residences.
(c) The elimination of the national debt.
(d) The elimination of waste.

5. Thomas Payne began as a revolutionary hero. What has he become in just a few years?
(a) He is a pastor.
(b) He is a hermit.
(c) He is more popular and loved than ever.
(d) An obnoxious alcoholic.

6. Within the scholarly world what is the consensus regarding the story about Jefferson and Sally Hemings?
(a) They believe it to be the truth.
(b) They believe it to be most certainly not true.
(c) They believe it to be a possibility.
(d) They believe it to be absolutely true.

7. What does the previous administration rename Washington's Goose Creek?
(a) The Euphrates.
(b) The Tiber.
(c) The Thames.
(d) The Tigris.

8. As president, from what does Jefferson suffer?
(a) Asthma.
(b) Attacks by the press.
(c) Stage fright.
(d) Arthritis.

9. How do Jefferson's views on slavery continue to be?
(a) Kind.
(b) Simple.
(c) Complex.
(d) Humane.

10. What does Jefferson do with the 1,000 letters he receives each year?
(a) He writes short responses to a select few.
(b) He burns them.
(c) He writes lengthy, painstaking responses to each one.
(d) He returns them.

11. With what does Jefferson's election coincide?
(a) The War of 1812.
(b) A new sense of nationalism in the U.S.
(c) The death of Benjamin Franklin.
(d) A new sense of isolationism in the U.S.

12. What does everyone expect of President Thomas Jefferson?
(a) To be a powerful leader.
(b) They are not quite sure what to expect.
(c) To be difficult with which to deal.
(d) To be hard to understand.

13. Of what are these two acutely aware?
(a) Their roles in history.
(b) Their close friendship.
(c) Their disagreements.
(d) Their old age.

14. What speeches does Jefferson make during his time as president?
(a) His two inaugural addresses.
(b) Many speeches throughout his presidency.
(c) His one inagural address.
(d) Ten speeches throughout his second term in office.

15. For how much does Napoleon sell the land?
(a) One cent per acre.
(b) Three cents per acre.
(c) One dollar per acre.
(d) Three dollars per acre.

Short Answer Questions

1. How would Jefferson feel about urbanization?

2. What is Jefferson's last attempt to save Monticello for his daughter and her children?

3. About what will scholars still be arguing well into the 22nd century?

4. How does Jefferson believe emancipation would work?

5. What does Jefferson think about the white race?

(see the answer keys)

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