Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How often does Rumsfeld speak to Franks when the war begins?
2. What kind of war does Bush say he is waging with Iraq?
3. Which branch of the military does Fahim want to keep fighting in his area?
4. Where does Franks meet with Special Ops leaders in March 2002?
5. What day do the Special Forces finally get into Afghanistan?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Franks say is one of his biggest duties, and what does it entail?
2. What does Franks say about the WMD in the last chapter?
3. What was the media disaster of March 2003?
4. How does Franks say he leads his Generals in Iraq?
5. What evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction does the Coalition find?
6. What are the phases of Franks's plan to defeat terrorism?
7. What does Franks do when his wife visits Afghanistan with him?
8. Why is Franks so eager to get into the heartland of Afghanistan?
9. Why does Franks say they had to infiltrate Baghdad so quickly?
10. What does Franks do in Qatar before starting the initial attack on Iraq?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Fear is something Franks became well acquainted with in his military career. What are some of the most noteworthy examples of this, and how did these instances affect Franks's career?
Essay Topic 2
What did Franks learn from his time in Vietnam, and how did these lessons affect the remainder of his life?
Essay Topic 3
Pride is a very basic and obvious trait of Franks. What is the difference between pride and confidence and where in the book do these two traits appear? Are they benefits or burdens to Franks in his career?
This section contains 688 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |