An American Soldier Test | Final Test - Medium

Tommy Franks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An American Soldier Test | Final Test - Medium

Tommy Franks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Phase II of Franks's plan?
(a) Eliminate al Qaeda.
(b) Humanitarian work with the citizens.
(c) Build a coalition in the area.
(d) Initial combat operations.

2. What is the contingency of Iraq falling apart beyond retention called?
(a) The Point of No Return.
(b) Catastrophic Success.
(c) Tragic Success.
(d) Un-maintainable.

3. Why does Franks not want the Joint Chiefs of Staff to hear his plan?
(a) It will leak to the press.
(b) They will turn it down.
(c) They are not military men.
(d) It will confuse and scare them.

4. When does Bush announce his plan to attack Iraq?
(a) September 11.
(b) Veterans Day.
(c) Flag Day.
(d) Labor Day.

5. What does Franks tell the media he is trying to do in Iraq?
(a) Free it.
(b) Transform it.
(c) Disarm it.
(d) Crush it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Franks say will NOT win the wars of the future?

2. How many days does it take for Afghanistan to be liberated?

3. Whom does Bush declare war on?

4. What country does Abdullah Selah lead?

5. What does Franks say about Bush's efforts?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Thunder Rain, and how well does it work?

2. What does Franks do when his wife visits Afghanistan with him?

3. Why does Franks not like the way the press refers to the enemy, and why?

4. What does Franks think would take men out of the enemy army?

5. What kinds of concerns were raised when the plans for the Iraq war were started?

6. What does Franks say is one of his biggest duties, and what does it entail?

7. What does Franks say the dynamic between Colin Powell and Donald Rumsfeld is?

8. What are the phases of Franks's plan to defeat terrorism?

9. Why does Franks say they had to infiltrate Baghdad so quickly?

10. What does Franks do after the media disaster in March 2003?

(see the answer keys)

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