American Rust Test | Final Test - Easy

Philipp Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

American Rust Test | Final Test - Easy

Philipp Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What weapon is Isaac wielding when the cops begin chasing him in Book Three?
(a) A sword.
(b) A knife.
(c) A gun.
(d) A hammer.

2. What does Poe learn happened to his cell-mate while he is in solitary?
(a) He died from his wounds.
(b) He was hospitalized.
(c) He committed suicide.
(d) He was released from prison.

3. Where does Grace say Virgil is when Harris comes to visit her in Book Three?
(a) At his mother's house.
(b) At the grocery store.
(c) Long gone.
(d) At the laundromat.

4. What does Henry grapple with in Book Four?
(a) His daughter's husband.
(b) His imprisonment.
(c) His father's murder.
(d) His mortality.

5. What is Otto referred to as throughout the narrative?
(a) "The Swede."
(b) "The Norwegian."
(c) "The Spaniard."
(d) "The Mexican."

6. What does the black prisoner call Poe when he approaches him in the cafeteria in Book Three?
(a) "Dirty."
(b) "Joker."
(c) "Slick."
(d) "Schnoz."

7. How far are Isaac and Baron from Detroit when they get off the train in Book Three?
(a) 4 miles.
(b) 100 miles.
(c) 50 miles.
(d) 10 miles.

8. How does Isaac escape the cop when he is chased in Book Three?
(a) He steals a police car.
(b) He jumps a fence.
(c) He jumps on a train car.
(d) He shoots the cop in the knee.

9. What is Poe's first name?
(a) Otto.
(b) Billy.
(c) Peter.
(d) John.

10. What couple comes to meet Grace at the bar to cheer her up in Book Four?
(a) Lee and Sarah.
(b) Ray and Rosalyn.
(c) Murray and Emily.
(d) Marie and Jason.

11. How do the inmates plan to get Poe alone with the person they want him to beat up in Book Three?
(a) Bribes.
(b) They will get him to work at the guard station.
(c) They will get him locked in solitary.
(d) A prison riot.

12. What does Isaac use to pay for his and Baron's food at the diner in Book Three?
(a) A gold watch.
(b) A bill from his father's stolen money.
(c) A bill from the money he stole at Wal-Mart.
(d) A hot check.

13. From where has Poe's cell-mate in prison just returned in Book Four?
(a) Solitary confinement.
(b) The prison library.
(c) A meeting with his lawyer.
(d) A parole hearing.

14. Which direction is Isaac traveling by train in the beginning of Book Three?
(a) South.
(b) East.
(c) West.
(d) North.

15. What does the prisoner demand from Poe's tray in Book Three?
(a) A sausage.
(b) A slice of pizza.
(c) A hamburger.
(d) His bacon.

Short Answer Questions

1. Harris's friends discuss town gossip in Book Four, including criticism that Harris let Poe off too easily several years ago when he'd done what?

2. Why does Grace struggle with hiring a lawyer for her son in Book Three?

3. Where did Harris's friends at the bar work previously in Book Four?

4. Who does Lee plan to ask for money to help locate Isaac in Book Three?

5. What does Grace hand over to Harris in the end of Book Four?

(see the answer keys)

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