American Express Test | Final Test - Easy

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American Express Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 85 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Eda's reaction to Frank's suggestion that she be "shared" between him and Alan?
(a) She threatens to call her parents.
(b) She asks Frank for money.
(c) She instantly refuses.
(d) She calls the police.

2. Where did Frank take Alan and Brenda in Paris?
(a) A museum.
(b) The opera.
(c) A cabaret.
(d) The ballet.

3. In the restaurant in Spoleto, what is Frank distracted by?
(a) A stain on his lapel.
(b) A beautiful Swedish woman.
(c) The overly familiar waiter.
(d) The birds outside the restaurant.

4. What kind of coffee does Frank ask Brenda about?
(a) Americano.
(b) Espresso.
(c) Cappuccino.
(d) Latte.

5. What is the English translation of the word "Basta" (41)?
(a) Later.
(b) Please.
(c) More.
(d) Enough.

6. At what time of year are Frank and Alan in Venice?
(a) The very end of spring.
(b) Midsummer.
(c) The very beginning of fall.
(d) Late in the fall.

7. In the sentence, "The blue car of the carabiniere lazed past," what does the word "carabiniere" mean (39)?
(a) Police.
(b) Taxi driver.
(c) Tour leader.
(d) Mayor.

8. What does the detail of Eda's trembling in Frank's hotel room indicate?
(a) She is not used to air conditioning.
(b) She is inexperienced and afraid.
(c) She is in Frank's room against her will.
(d) She is ashamed of her decision to see Frank.

9. What does Alan notice about Frank when Frank gets out of the car with Eda after they drop her off?
(a) Frank is getting thick around his waist.
(b) Frank looks upset by what Eda is saying.
(c) Frank's tweed jacket has a price tag on it.
(d) Frank's hair is thinning.

10. Why are most of the things that they see while window shopping in Florence unsuitable for Eda?
(a) They are meant for furnishing a home.
(b) They are meant for tourists.
(c) They are meant for upper class women.
(d) They are meant for adult women.

11. What is implied has happened to Eda at the end of the story?
(a) She has left Frank for Alan.
(b) She has been coerced into sleeping with Alan.
(c) She has been abandoned in Spoleto.
(d) She has gone home to her parents.

12. When Alan wonders, "Giotto--what would that mean to her?" what does "Giotto" refer to (39)?
(a) A religious site.
(b) A river.
(c) A town.
(d) A painter.

13. Where are Frank, Alan, and Brenda at the beginning of Part 2?
(a) Near Como.
(b) Near Lugano.
(c) Near Spoleto.
(d) Near Padua.

14. What is ironic about the setting around Frank when he calls Eda about going to Florence?
(a) The same porter that he had to bribe the night before is the one who placed the call.
(b) Alan is nearby but has no idea that Frank plans to invite Eda along with them to Florence.
(c) He is still at the same hotel where he had her in his room just the night before.
(d) He is sitting in a room with other children innocently playing cards while their mothers talk nearby.

15. Which word is twice used to describe the way Eda looks?
(a) Angelic.
(b) Radiant.
(c) Mischievous.
(d) Pure.

Short Answer Questions

1. From context, which is a reasonable interpretation of the simile "They had separate rooms, like staterooms, like passengers on a fading boat" (36)?

2. What does Eda's father do for a living?

3. Where do Frank and Alan drink in Venice?

4. How does Frank strike up a conversation with Eda?

5. What does Frank offer Eda while they are in the car riding around Arezzo?

(see the answer keys)

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