American Caesar, Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

William Manchester
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

American Caesar, Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

William Manchester
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the American Caesar, Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964 Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which member of his family accompanied MacArthur to the Philippines?
(a) His uncle.
(b) His mother.
(c) His father.
(d) His brother.

2. In what famous Civil War battle did Douglas MacArthur's father fight in November 1863?
(a) Shiloh.
(b) Missionary Ridge.
(c) Antietam.
(d) Gettysburg.

3. Under whose command was the Rainbow Division in which MacArthur fought during World War I?
(a) Lord Mountbatten of Britain.
(b) General John J. Pershing.
(c) Harry Truman.
(d) Dwight Eisenhower.

4. Of what place was Arthur MacArthur, Jr. made military governor in 1900?
(a) The Philippines.
(b) Antigua.
(c) Australia.
(d) Easter Island.

5. When was Douglas MacArthur born?
(a) April 12, 1885.
(b) December 4, 1897.
(c) January 26, 1880.
(d) June 15, 1900.

Short Answer Questions

1. What defense plans did MacArthur and The Quezon administration make for the Philippines?

2. While MacArthur was fighting in Europe during World War I, who was trying to get him promoted back in the States?

3. What was the profession of MacArthur's grandfather, Arthur Sr.?

4. Who served as MacArthur's chief aide in the Philippines?

5. What happened during the MacArthur family journey by sea away from the Philippines?

Short Essay Questions

1. What led to MacArthur's resignation from the active duty in 1937?

2. What was MacArthur's mother Pinky doing in the States while he was fighting in World War I?

3. Discuss MacArthur's military career.

4. What job did General Pershing give MacArthur once World War I ended?

5. What was the war in France like when MacArthur arrived in Europe during World War I?

6. How did MacArthur begin to distinguish himself in the Army?

7. What were the experiences of Arthur MacArthur, Jr. during the Civil War?

8. How did MacArthur distinguish himself in battle and advance his military career in World War I?

9. What was MacArthur's role in the Philippines once it was made a commonwealth in 1946?

10. What caused Arthur MacArthur, Jr.'s conflict with President Taft?

(see the answer keys)

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