America is in the Heart Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

America is in the Heart Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Carlos' first stop on his trip visiting the workers?
(a) San Jose
(b) San Fernando
(c) Los Angeles
(d) Bakersfield

2. What does the boy from a different ward ask Carlos to do for him?
(a) Talk to him about the Philippines
(b) Read him a story
(c) Write him a poem
(d) Write a letter to his mother

3. Where does Carlos go to escape his own reality?
(a) To Eileen's house
(b) Hospital
(c) Public library
(d) To Jose's house

4. Where does Carlos head after leaving Stockton?
(a) Seattle
(b) Los Angeles
(c) Binalonan
(d) San Francisco

5. Which of the following characters is not living in Carlos' apartment in Los Angeles?
(a) Victor
(b) Jose
(c) Nick
(d) Amado

6. What do Carlos, Jose and Macario find themselves in the middle of at the bar?
(a) Brawl
(b) Debate
(c) Police sting
(d) Argument

7. How does Carlos get the money that he gives to Macario?
(a) Finds
(b) Gambles
(c) Works
(d) Steals

8. Why is Carlos evicted?
(a) His landlady dies and the new one evicts everyone
(b) He is contagious and she doesn't want him living there
(c) His writing is too controversial
(d) There are too many people living in his apartment

9. Which character does Carlos meet in San Pedro?
(a) Amado
(b) Macario
(c) Nick
(d) Jose

10. With what task in the hospital does Carlos help?
(a) Caring for other patients
(b) Reading to children who have tuberculosis
(c) Surgery
(d) Spending time working at the information desk

11. In what has Carlos' faith been restored?
(a) Traditions and culture
(b) America
(c) His family
(d) Philippines

12. What good news does Carlos receive in regard to his writing?
(a) A newspaper wants him to become a regular writer
(b) He will become a war correspondent
(c) He will get a byline in Ganzo's newspaper
(d) A publisher wants to publish his book of poems

13. Where does Carlos go to talk to Nick?
(a) Los Angeles
(b) San Fernando
(c) Portland
(d) Seattle

14. How do Ronald and Carlos meet?
(a) Ronald writes about Carlos
(b) A Jewish girl introduces them
(c) Carlos writes about Ronald
(d) Ronald lends Carlos his magazine to read

15. Which of the following best describes who has taken over the CPRF and labor organizations?
(a) Socialists
(b) Communists
(c) Reactionaries
(d) No one, they have all been disbanded

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the meeting Carlos and Jose organize held?

2. What does Carlos start as he moves around?

3. Who does Carlos live with after leaving the hospital?

4. Which of the following characters does Carlos find in Monterey?

5. What does Carlos do when Macario becomes ill and needs money?

(see the answer keys)

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