The Amen Corner Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Amen Corner Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tries to talk with the pastor about nothing being wrong with Brother Boxer's job in Act I?
(a) Odessa.
(b) Sister Boxer.
(c) Sister Moore.
(d) Margaret.

2. What is located stage left in "The Amen Corner"?
(a) An office building.
(b) The apartment.
(c) The church.
(d) The streent.

3. What scenery does the play open with?
(a) A street scene.
(b) The kitchen.
(c) The scrim wall of the tenement.
(d) The church.

4. What does David say when his father asks if his mother is a good pastor?
(a) "Good pastor."
(b) "Amen!"
(c) " don't know."
(d) David remains silent.

5. Who is it that appears in the alley before the pastor leaves on a trip?
(a) Mother Phillips.
(b) Elder Johnson.
(c) Luke.
(d) Ida Jackson.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is David?

2. Which of the characters is the pastor as the play opens?

3. Who was out late the night before the church service in the first act?

4. The first spoken part of the play is from what character?

5. In the play, who claims to have left to get away from the stink of whiskey?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Act II, Sister Moore reports that people are coming to the church because they want an accounting from the church elders. What is she referring to?

2. What are the three women talking about at the beginning of the second act?

3. As Margaret leaves for Philadelphia at the end of the first act, she shouts instructions for everyone. What are they?

4. In Act II, what is Margaret's position about music in the church?

5. Why does Margaret say "God don't like liars" in Act I?

6. In Act II, what does David remember about the time right before he became separated from his father?

7. What is the sacrifice offering in Act I for?

8. Describe the scene as Act II opens.

9. Odessa tries to convince Margaret to return to church in Act III and win back her congregation, but Margaret says she can't. Why?

10. When Act III begins, what have Brother and Sister Boxer and Sister Moore been doing since Odessa last saw them?

(see the answer keys)

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