Along Came a Spider Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Along Came a Spider Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Cross and Jezzie do after they workout?
(a) Have dinner together.
(b) Go to Cross' room.
(c) Get drinks together.
(d) Go study case files.

2. What happens after the team searches Gary's house, and then has a few drinks?
(a) Jezzie and Cross start an affair.
(b) Jezzie and Cross go on vacation.
(c) Jezzie and Cross talk about their feelings.
(d) Jezzie and Cross go to workout.

3. What does the autopsy report say that Michael's death was?
(a) On purpose.
(b) By exsanguination.
(c) Accidental.
(d) By strangulation.

4. When does Gary see the cops around his home?
(a) While getting his daughter's presents.
(b) While getting a drink.
(c) While visiting the bathroom.
(d) While paying the pizza man.

5. Where is the box that Gary plans to hold the children?
(a) Underground.
(b) In the back of the van.
(c) Under other boxes.
(d) In a loft.

Short Answer Questions

1. What room does the boy kidnap the Lindbergh baby from?

2. When Gary is told about the money he owes his latest job, what does he fantasize about doing?

3. What does Gary owe money to his latest job for?

4. What was Cross' wife's name?

5. What do the police do during Gary's daughter's birthday party?

Short Essay Questions

1. During the part of the story where the ransom drop is taking place, what is one reason the reader might think that Soneji is not the mastermind of the kidnapping?

2. Why should the reader think that the chances of survival for Maggie Rose are small?

3. Why did Cross save Soneji from being shot to death by the sharpshooters?

4. Why is it important that Cross knows about Soneji's background?

5. Why does Cross find himself sympathizing with the Dunnes?

6. What does Jezzie's position as a supervisor in the Secret Service suggest about her?

7. What does Cross' research in the kidnapper's apartment suggest?

8. What causes Jezzie to cry for the first time, while she is at the Maryland farm?

9. What does Soneji think is funny when he drives through the toll booth?

10. What is the Lindbergh kidnapping?

(see the answer keys)

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