Along Came a Spider Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Along Came a Spider Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who warns Cross away from a relationship with Jezzie?
(a) Cross' aunt.
(b) Cross' daughter.
(c) Cross' father.
(d) Cross' grandmother.

2. While Jezzie and Cross are sleeping, what is burnt in Jezzie's front yard?
(a) A car.
(b) A cross.
(c) A bonfire.
(d) An effigy.

3. What was Jezzie's sentence for kidnapping and murder?
(a) Life in solitary.
(b) Death.
(c) Life in a work camp.
(d) Life in prison.

4. According to the mother that Cross re-interviews, where was the man who was with Soneji at the Sanders murder?
(a) In another car.
(b) In the same car.
(c) Down the street.
(d) Around the cornerr.

5. How long do Jezzie and Cross stay at the Virgin Islands the first time?
(a) A week.
(b) Five days.
(c) Ten days.
(d) Two weeks.

6. What does Soneji do in his cell in order to get the supervisor called in?
(a) Slices his wrists.
(b) Throws up violently.
(c) Attempts suicide.
(d) Starts yelling loudly.

7. Who does Soneji take hostage after leaving Cross' house?
(a) Two adults.
(b) A cop.
(c) Two small children.
(d) A press reporter.

8. When Cross tries to get in touch with Jezzie after the picture, where does he learn she went?
(a) Her summer home.
(b) Her parent's home.
(c) Her cousin's home
(d) Her friend's home.

9. From what type of paper was the reporter who got a picture of Jezzie and Cross at a hotel?
(a) Financial news.
(b) Crime-focused paper.
(c) Tabloid.
(d) News reporting agency.

10. What characterizes Cross' reaction to Murphy's reaction to his wife's grief?
(a) Sadness.
(b) Surprise.
(c) Joy.
(d) Sorrow.

11. How does Soneji get away from the prison with the supervisor?
(a) In a car.
(b) On motorcycles.
(c) On foot.
(d) On the bus.

12. Why is Soneji at the Cross home?
(a) To kill Nana Mama.
(b) To kill the Cross children.
(c) To kill Cross.
(d) To kill the whole family.

13. While Cross is interviewing Gary after his trip to the Virgin Islands, what is Maggie doing?
(a) Making clothes.
(b) Climbing trees.
(c) Babysitting other kids.
(d) Picking fruit.

14. Who does Cross ask for permission to hypnotize Murphy?
(a) The judge.
(b) The guards.
(c) The warden.
(d) The district attorney.

15. Who shoots Soneji?
(a) A Secret Service agent.
(b) The FBI.
(c) Sampson.
(d) Cross.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Soneji spotted after he leaves the Cross home?

2. When Cross hypnotizes Murphy, what memories does he discover?

3. What does Jezzie walk out to, after discovering someone in the house?

4. What does Cross stab Soneji with?

5. Why are Jezzie and Cross a controversial couple?

(see the answer keys)

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