All My Sons Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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All My Sons Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Ann enters in Act 1, what does Chris tell her is better in their town than in New York?
(a) The friendship
(b) The air
(c) The sunshine
(d) The food

2. Where does Kate Keller have a pain in Act 1?
(a) Her neck
(b) Her chest
(c) Her head
(d) Her feet

3. What does Kate Keller still do regularly in preparation for Larry's return?
(a) Cooks his favorite dinner every week
(b) Makes his bed
(c) Shines his shoes
(d) Dusts his books

4. What are Ann and Chris doing when Joe Keller comes out of the house?
(a) Crying
(b) Kissing
(c) Talking
(d) Dancing

5. What does Kate say she will do if Larry is dead?
(a) Kill herself
(b) Leave the state
(c) Divorce Joe
(d) Never leave the house

6. To which playwright does Chris compare his father jokingly?
(a) Shaw
(b) Moliere
(c) Shakespeare
(d) Wilde

7. What does Joe Keller promise at the end of the act?
(a) Never to rename the business
(b) To stay out of his life
(c) To check in on Steve Deever
(d) To convince Kate to approve his marriage

8. What sarcastic expression does Sue use to refer to the Kellers?
(a) The holy family
(b) The band of thieves
(c) The three little pigs
(d) The United Nations

9. What does the block need more of, according to Jim?
(a) Stop signs
(b) Policemen
(c) Dogs
(d) Pretty girls

10. What does Joe Keller fear is George Deever's intention by visiting his father?
(a) He wants to warn his father about Chris's intentions to Ann
(b) He wants so tell him off
(c) He wants to reopen the case
(d) He wants to break him out

11. What does Kate Keller bring out in a pitcher at the beginning of Act 2?
(a) Sangria
(b) Water
(c) Ice tea
(d) Grape juice

12. Ann tells Chris that doing what upsets her stomach?
(a) Scheming
(b) Kissing
(c) Ignoring the truth
(d) Dancing

13. Where has a long-lost American soldier recently turned up, according to Kate?
(a) Mexico
(b) Burma
(c) Portugal
(d) India

14. How long ago did Chris return from the war?
(a) Two years ago
(b) Fifteen year ago
(c) Ten years ago
(d) Five years ago

15. What object is Frank Lubey carrying when he talks to Ann in Act 1?
(a) A sack of potatoes
(b) A potted plant
(c) A wheelbarrow
(d) A ladder

Short Answer Questions

1. What part of Ann's body does Kate think has gotten bigger?

2. According to Sue, what is Jim turning Chris into?

3. Which of the following is not something Joe lists as being something people must do with Steve Deever to show them he is not a murderer?

4. According to Kate, what does Joe Keller do when he is worried?

5. What mechanical part did Joe Keller and Steve Deever's factory make?

(see the answer keys)

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