All the King's Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All the King's Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Willie enter politics again?
(a) Willie is appointed to his old position of county treasurer.
(b) Willie runs for mayor during the next election.
(c) Willie is elected to the school board.
(d) He stumps for a congressional candidate who is running against the candidate who is a friend of Dolph Pillsbury's.

2. Why do people come to hear Willie speak?
(a) Because they're interested in anyone who opposes Pillsbury's friend.
(b) Because Willie gives prizes to anyone bringing children to the speeches.
(c) Because they want to hear everything they can about all the candidates.
(d) Because Willie offers free refreshments at his speeches.

3. Who does not approve of Jack working for Willie?
(a) Tiny Duffy
(b) Jack's mother, Mrs. Burden
(c) Judge Irwin
(d) Anne Stanton

4. What does Willie tell Jack to do?
(a) Find something to blackmail Judge Irwin
(b) Find his own way back to town
(c) Find a way to influence the judge
(d) Make sure Willie is front page news tomorrow

5. Who do the city commissioners want to get the contract?
(a) Jeffers Construction Company
(b) Dolph Pillsbury
(c) J.H. Moore
(d) Burke's Brick & Tile Company

6. What happens during a fire drill at the school two years after it is constructed?
(a) The brickwork collapses causing the deaths of three children and serious injury to a dozen more.
(b) The students and teachers are locked in the building.
(c) Someone pulls the fire alarm as a prank and is suspended for three weeks.
(d) The fire drill is actually a real fire and most of the children are overcome with smoke.

7. How far is Burden's Landing from Mason City?
(a) 100 miles
(b) 30 miles
(c) 130 miles
(d) 33 miles

8. What story does Jack's editor want Jack to get?
(a) The Mason City Fourth of July Celebration
(b) The fire at the Mason City Elementary School
(c) The politics involved in a construction contract award
(d) The Mason City Labor Day Beauty Pageant

9. Why will Tiny Duffy not help Willie improve his dreadful campaign speeches?
(a) Tiny is busy organizing Willie's travel itinerary.
(b) Tiny does not have any speechwriting experience.
(c) Tiny has never held a management position before.
(d) Duffy is employed by the Harrison faction and they do not expect Willie to win, simply dilute the MacMurfee votes.

10. Who takes over as Jack's father after Jack's father leaves?
(a) Judge Irwin
(b) Governor Stanton
(c) Grandfather Burden
(d) Mr. Stark

11. What happens when Jack visits his father in his small apartment now?
(a) Jack takes food so his father will remember to eat.
(b) Jack rejects his religious obsessions and his father says he will pray for Jack's soul.
(c) Jack takes his father to minor league baseball games.
(d) Jack takes his father to dinner and a movie.

12. What happens to Willie's career in April of 1933?
(a) The news of Willie's affairs threatens his career.
(b) There are impeachment proceeding initiated because of the White case.
(c) Willie has to step down for health reasons.
(d) Willie receives the national endorsement to campaign for president.

13. Who are Willie and his entourage visiting at a farm?
(a) Willie's grandfather
(b) Willie's mentor
(c) Willie's old coach
(d) Willie's father

14. How does Willie benefit from what happens at the school fire drill?
(a) The people realize the corruption related to the brick quality and they should have voted for Willie.
(b) Willie gets reelected on a special emergency vote.
(c) Willie is asked to work as a consultant on the rebuilding of the school.
(d) Willie gets to hire a new architect who is a friend of his.

15. What do Jack and Judge Irwin make while Jack is growing up?
(a) Ships in bottles
(b) Models of ancient weapons
(c) Kites
(d) Model airplanes

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Cass die?

2. What is Willie's wife's profession?

3. How does Jack confirm Willie's affair?

4. Who is the woman who works for Willie?

5. What does Willie want for his son, Tom?

(see the answer keys)

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