All the King's Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All the King's Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Willie want for his son, Tom?
(a) He wants him to go to Harvard or Yale and become a lawyer.
(b) He wants him to be a part of all the excitement of Willie's administration.
(c) He wants him to become a professional baseball player.
(d) He wants him to marry a nice girl and settle down in Mason City.

2. Why does the Attorney General, Hugh Miller resign his position?
(a) His wife has a terminal illness.
(b) He can no longer keep the travel schedule necessary for the job.
(c) He objects to the help given to White.
(d) He has been diagonosed with a terminal illness.

3. In a flashback, what does the author reveal about Jack's father?
(a) Jack's father was a homosexual.
(b) Jack's father had multiple affairs.
(c) Jack's father left his family with no explanation.
(d) Jack's father never got his law degree.

4. With whom did Adam and Anne Stanton live as children?
(a) Jack Burden
(b) Their widowed father, Governor Stanton
(c) Willie Stark's family
(d) Their godfather, Judge Irwin

5. What was included in Cass' papers?
(a) Photos, letters, a journal and account books
(b) Love letters
(c) Sketches and a diary
(d) Old bank drafts

6. What does Willie do after he loses the election?
(a) He becomes a school teacher.
(b) He works his farm and studies law.
(c) He gets a job at the state finance department.
(d) He takes a much-deserved extended vacation.

7. Who do the city commissioners want to get the contract?
(a) Burke's Brick & Tile Company
(b) J.H. Moore
(c) Jeffers Construction Company
(d) Dolph Pillsbury

8. When Jack returns to his office, he finds that ______________________________ have been begun for State Auditor, Byram B. White.
(a) Anniversary plans
(b) Impeachment proceedings
(c) Birthday celebration
(d) Reelection plans

9. What does Willie tell Jack that he is going to build?
(a) A new civic center
(b) A free hospital and health center
(c) A new state courthouse
(d) A monument in his likeness

10. Who are Willie and his entourage visiting at a farm?
(a) Willie's mentor
(b) Willie's old coach
(c) Willie's grandfather
(d) Willie's father

11. On what topic does Willie complain to Jack about Lucy?
(a) How much money Lucy is spending to decorate the governor's mansion
(b) How much weight Lucy seems to have gained recently
(c) How much Lucy has overextended her wardrobe budget
(d) How Lucy is raising their son, Tom

12. What does Gilbert do after he runs away from home?
(a) He goes to Mississippi and becomes a wealthy cotton baron.
(b) He becomes a decorated Civil War general.
(c) He goes to California and starts a winery.
(d) He runs to Canada to hide out.

13. What happens during the next election for governor?
(a) Will is soundly defeated.
(b) Willie declines to run.
(c) Willie runs but does not accept the position.
(d) Willie is elected.

14. How does Jack come in contact with Cass Mastern?
(a) Cass' grandson contacts Jack to determine if Cass' papers have any financial worth.
(b) Cass places an ad for an apartment for rent.
(c) Cass was a highly-honored Civil War general.
(d) Cass offers dissertation services to grad students.

15. Who steps in and offers blackmail as a tool to help White?
(a) Tiny Duffy
(b) Former Governor Stanton
(c) Judge Irwin
(d) Governor Stark

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Willie and Jack do with Willie's father?

2. What surprising twist occurs at Willie's next speech?

3. What does Jack Burden carry with him?

4. What happens to indicate that Lucy is not engaged in Willie's life?

5. Which political faction covertly backs Willie's campaign?

(see the answer keys)

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