All You Need Is Ears Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

George Martin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All You Need Is Ears Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

George Martin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In 1964, what function did Neil Aspinall perform for the Beatles?
(a) Drummer.
(b) Songwriter.
(c) Tour manager.
(d) Producer.

2. Which Beatle, according to George Martin in Chapter 7, was the most proficient musician?
(a) Ringo Starr.
(b) John Lennon.
(c) George Harrison.
(d) Paul McCartney.

3. As explained in Chapter 4, what is the normal range of hearing for humans?
(a) 20 to 20,000 hertz.
(b) 20 to 200,000 hertz.
(c) 10 to 200,000 hertz.
(d) 200 to 100,000 hertz.

4. What, according to George Martin, is the real wonder of music and orchestration?
(a) Everyone hears notes differently.
(b) You can actually paint sound.
(c) Music is the common language of all people.
(d) Notes on the page become sound in the ear.

5. While George Martin's main instrument was the piano, what was his second instrument at music school?
(a) Oboe.
(b) Guitar.
(c) Flute.
(d) French horn.

Short Answer Questions

1. As explained by George Martin in Chapter 2, how is orchestration different from composition?

2. What was the name of George Martin's first band?

3. According to George Martin in Chapter 7, Ringo Starr's lack of technical skill was made up for by what?

4. During their first meeting with George Martin, which Beatle did not speak a word?

5. What is the mathematical relationship between middle A, the octave above middle A, and the octave below middle A on a standard piano?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was the danger behind the giggling fits of George Martin and Peter Sellers while recording comedy bits at the studio?

2. Why does George Martin value the inability of the human voice to stay completely in tune?

3. What were George Martin's first impressions of the Beatles when he met them for the first time at Abbey Road?

4. How did George Martin come to record "At the Drop of a Hat" with Donald Swann and Michael Flanders, and what was unusual about the recording method he used?

5. How does George Martin describe the collaborative writing style of John Lennon and Paul McCartney?

6. Relate one anecdote from George Martin's early career at Parlophone, as described in Chapter 3.

7. Briefly outline George Martin's career experiences before beginning his ultimate career in the recording industry.

8. How, according to George Martin in Chapter 6, did the role of a producer change from the 1950s to the time "All You Need Is Ears" was published, in 1979?

9. Describe the circumstances that led George Martin to marry his first wife, Sheena, and the tragedy, which occurred shortly thereafter.

10. What were George Martin's early life experiences with the piano and performing in general?

(see the answer keys)

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