All You Can Ever Know Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nicole Chung
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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All You Can Ever Know Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nicole Chung
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did Washington state place adoption records in the public record?
(a) 2005.
(b) 2000.
(c) 2014.
(d) 2007.

2. How does Nicole characterize her family’s reaction to her Koreanness?
(a) They ignored it.
(b) They punished her for it.
(c) They celebrated it.
(d) They pretended it did not exist.

3. What does Nicole say was inextricably linked with adoption for her?
(a) Class.
(b) Gender.
(c) Language.
(d) Race.

4. What does Nicole say substituted for her lack of Korean heritage?
(a) Cooking.
(b) Sports.
(c) Christianity.
(d) Studying.

5. When did Nicole send the letter to Donna for her birth mother?
(a) Right after her birthday.
(b) Right before Christmas.
(c) Fourth of July.
(d) Right after new years.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Nicole start to look at through her child’s eyes?

2. What did the social worker tell Nicole’s parents when she gave them the baby?

3. Where did Cindy live after her parents divorced?

4. What did Nicole ask the adoption agency for?

5. What does Nicole say she was looking for in Brenda’s birth class?

Short Essay Questions

1. What assurance did Nicole and Dan receive from Brenda?

2. How does Nicole characterize her mother’s fears about her finding her birth parents?

3. How does Nicole characterize Cindy’s childhood?

4. What strategies did Nicole develop as a young child, to combat other students’ race-based hostility toward her?

5. What does Nicole tell of her adoptive parents’ story?

6. How does Cindy characterize her relationship with her parents, when Nicole gets in touch with her?

7. What is the story Nicole Chung says she was told about her adoption?

8. What kind of relationship did Nicole think she would have with her birth family, before she started searching?

9. How does Nicole say her parents viewed the adoption and the fact that she was Korean?

10. How does Nicole characterize her discovery that race affected her?

(see the answer keys)

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