All You Can Ever Know Test | Final Test - Easy

Nicole Chung
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All You Can Ever Know Test | Final Test - Easy

Nicole Chung
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who brought Cindy and her father together, to talk about Nicole’s adoption?
(a) Her birth mother.
(b) Jessica.
(c) Nicole.
(d) Her father’s wife.

2. What did the fortune cookie say, the night Nicole went into labor?
(a) Pay attention to family before money.
(b) Never forget where you came from.
(c) Your dreams will come true.
(d) Your hard work is about to pay off.

3. What did Rick say Nicole’s fathers body language suggested?
(a) A defense.
(b) An apology.
(c) A gift.
(d) A justification.

4. How long after Cindy’s pregnancy ended did she travel to see Nicole?
(a) 5 days.
(b) 2 days.
(c) A week.
(d) 1 day.

5. What does Nicole say everyone should understand about adoption?
(a) There is no end to it.
(b) It is incomplete if the child cannot reconnect with family.
(c) It starts and ends with love.
(d) It is an injury in a social fabric.

6. What did Cindy promise Nicole in her first letter?
(a) To be a mother to her.
(b) To integrate her back into the family.
(c) To keep her from knowing the hard things about their family.
(d) Not to hide anything from her.

7. What does Nicole say she felt while going through labor?
(a) She was in deep despair for the pain.
(b) She was in a disembodied, blissful state.
(c) Someone else must be doing it for her.
(d) She was proud of how she was handling it.

8. How old was Nicole when her parents took her home from the hospital?
(a) 10 weeks.
(b) 2 months.
(c) 3 months.
(d) 14 weeks.

9. What did the clerk at the wine shop make Nicole and Cindy laugh at?
(a) The statement that they look like twins.
(b) The statement that they look like mother and daughter.
(c) The statement that they should thank their parents for their genes.
(d) The statement that they look familiar.

10. Why does Nicole’s mother say she did not respond to Nicole’s birth mother when she reached out when Nicole was a child?
(a) She was anxious.
(b) She was suspicious.
(c) She was scared.
(d) She was going through a hard time.

11. What was Nicole’s father’s response, when Cindy asked if she had a sister he had not told her about?
(a) He prevaricated.
(b) He could not remember.
(c) He denied it.
(d) He confessed it.

12. What did Nicole fear her father was ashamed of her for?
(a) Her lack of Korean language skills.
(b) The history she represented.
(c) Decisions she made about her career.
(d) Her ignorance of her family history.

13. What assurance did Nicole’s mother give her, after Nicole found out that her birth mother was abusive?
(a) That God would protect her and her child.
(b) That violence is not genetic.
(c) That she could never hurt a child.
(d) That she was raised in a different time and place.

14. What does Nicole say she felt about her inability to follow the conversation when her father switched to Korean?
(a) She was envious.
(b) She was irritated.
(c) She was sad.
(d) She was embarrassed.

15. What does Nicole say she was surprised by, in talking about her adoption with her mother, now that she had found her birth family?
(a) It was something she could have an opinion about.
(b) It had been abandoned in favor of long story-telling.
(c) It was still the same story that God willed it for the best.
(d) It was unstable at every turn, in every fact.

Short Answer Questions

1. What time of year did Nicole hear from her sister Jessica?

2. What had just happened when Nicole’s mother called after the baby was born?

3. What does Nicole say fueled her long correspondence with Cindy?

4. What kind of sign did Nicole see in her parents having hidden the fact of the adoption?

5. How dilated was Nicole when she showed up at the birthing center?

(see the answer keys)

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