All You Can Ever Know Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nicole Chung
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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All You Can Ever Know Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nicole Chung
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Nicole say her parents saw her adoption?
(a) A profound responsibility.
(b) A sacrifice they made for God.
(c) A gift from God.
(d) A just act they committed for its own sake.

2. What was Nicole doing when Donna called to say she had contacted her birth family?
(a) Cooking.
(b) Shopping.
(c) Folding baby clothes.
(d) Driving.

3. Where did Cindy learn to work hard, in Nicole’s account?
(a) School.
(b) Her sports teams.
(c) Her community’s church.
(d) Her family’s store.

4. What was Nicole’s initial feeling about child birth?
(a) Awe.
(b) Wariness.
(c) Panic.
(d) Excitement.

5. Where did Nicole take refuge from her bullying classmates?
(a) Art.
(b) Music.
(c) Daydreaming.
(d) Books.

6. How does Nicole characterize her adoptive mother’s hair?
(a) Red perm.
(b) Curly blonde.
(c) Straight black.
(d) Fine light brown.

7. Who does Nicole say was the only person who knew she was looking for her birth parents?
(a) Her father.
(b) Dan.
(c) Cindy.
(d) Her mother.

8. What does Nicole say her mind was fixated on, after her first prenatal visit?
(a) The list of search angels.
(b) Her lack of family history.
(c) The image of her daughter’s face.
(d) The pain she would feel in delivery.

9. When did Washington state place adoption records in the public record?
(a) 2000.
(b) 2014.
(c) 2007.
(d) 2005.

10. What was the subject of the class Nicole and Dan took together in college?
(a) Mathematics.
(b) Philosophy.
(c) Physics.
(d) Psychology.

11. What did the nurse find with the ultrasound at Nicole’s first checkup?
(a) Its face.
(b) Its heartbeat.
(c) Its gender.
(d) Its fingertips.

12. What was Nicole put off by when she first met Brenda?
(a) The commitment Brenda required.
(b) Brenda’s frankness about her body.
(c) Brenda’s invoice.
(d) Brenda’s casualness.

13. What was the setting where other children made Nicole aware of her race?
(a) Church.
(b) School.
(c) A doctor’s office.
(d) A birthday party.

14. What did Nicole ask the adoption agency for?
(a) Her parents’ information at the time of her adoption.
(b) A name and address for her mother.
(c) An informational interview.
(d) A guide to the emotional aftermath of adoption.

15. What does Nicole say the name Susan means?
(a) Marigold.
(b) Peach blossom.
(c) Iris.
(d) Lily.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Nicole say Cindy felt when she was deployed in Korea?

2. How long after Nicole had left her parents’ house did she seek out the adoption agency that handled her adoption?

3. Where was Nicole living when she got pregnant?

4. Where did Nicole first see a city full of Asian people?

5. How does Nicole characterize the first big kick she got from her baby?

(see the answer keys)

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