All This Could Be Yours Test | Final Test - Medium

Jami Attenberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All This Could Be Yours Test | Final Test - Medium

Jami Attenberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 22, what does the ferry operator think of Twyla?
(a) She seemed distraught.
(b) She was rude to him.
(c) She seemed sad.
(d) She seemed too drunk to get on the ferry.

2. In Chapter 19, what does Victor tell Twyla he has that Barbra does not know about?
(a) Money in different accounts.
(b) Cars in different garages.
(c) Storage units with valuable jewelry.
(d) Apartments around the country.

3. In Chapter 19, what is the name of the turkey Twyla tells her childhood story about?
(a) George.
(b) John.
(c) Paul.
(d) Ringo.

4. In Chapter 22, what happens when Gary and Twyla have sex?
(a) Twyla tells Gary they need to stop because she is uncomfortable.
(b) It is awkward at first, but then it gets more comfortable.
(c) Gary storms out of the house because Twyla is upset.
(d) Gary tells Twyla he has just had an affair with someone.

5. In Chapter 15, how does Twyla's mother die?
(a) She has cancer.
(b) She kills herself.
(c) She has a heart attack.
(d) She is hit by a car on the road.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 22, what does Twyla make Gary for breakfast the morning after he gets home from Los Angeles?

2. In Chapter 22, what does Twyla think to herself as she prepares to finish her ferry ride?

3. In Chapter 20, what happens when Alex intervenes in the couple's fight?

4. In Chapter 15, whose idea is it originally to move away from Los Angeles?

5. In Chapter 18, where did Alex go to law school?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 21, what does Barbra decide to do about Victor's funeral?

2. In Chapter 20, why does Alex exercise and take good care of herself?

3. In Chapter 22, what does Gary tell Twyla she must come clean with him about in order to have a chance of saving their relationship?

4. In Chapter 15, what is the difference in the way Twyla and Gary introduce each other to their own families?

5. In Chapter 15, how does Twyla react when she sees her drama teacher, Mr. Powter, applying foundation to his own skin?

6. In Chapter 19, what does Victor ask Twyla about money that completely turns her off?

7. In Chapter 21, what last secret of Victor's did Barbra know about?

8. In Chapter 19, how does Twyla explain to herself her willingness to go along with Victor's sexual advances?

9. In Chapter 15, what does Twyla do at CVS?

10. In Chapter 20, what does Gary tell Alex when Alex finally gets in touch with him on the phone?

(see the answer keys)

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