All Things Wise and Wonderful Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All Things Wise and Wonderful Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the retired shepherd who sat in the same place every night at the Fox and Hounds?
(a) Sidney Cartwright.
(b) Edward Carey.
(c) Albert Close.
(d) Hubert Black.

2. What is the most lasting memory James has of taking over the practice of Siegfried's college friend?
(a) Remaining honest at the GreyHound track.
(b) Being able to operate on a rickety kitchen table.
(c) Successfully saving the Golden Retriever's leg.
(d) Being able to help a poor family have a vacation.

3. Who is the Flight Sergeant who surprises James at his niceness about the baby?
(a) Flight Sergeant Barklett.
(b) Flight Sergeant Blackmore.
(c) Flight Sergeant Hackett.
(d) Flight Sergeant Blackett.

4. What did Hulton always count on his foreman to do for him?
(a) Manage his other workmen.
(b) Groom his horses.
(c) Keep his cattle on the property.
(d) Pronounce Propamidine for him.

5. How much does the operation on the shepherd's dog cost?
(a) Two pounds.
(b) Twelve Shillings.
(c) One and a half pounds.
(d) One pound.

6. What is the name of the blind man's dog?
(a) Fergus
(b) Angus
(c) Argus
(d) Lewis

7. What is the name of the village where Herriot goes to take over the practice of Siegfried's college buddy temporarily?
(a) Scarborough.
(b) Mansfield.
(c) Wakefield.
(d) Hensfield.

8. Who is the young urchin who constantly plays pranks on James?
(a) Tommy Banks.
(b) William Brink.
(c) Desmond Winks.
(d) Wesley Binks.

9. Who is the lame veteran who comes to get Herriot because his dog has been poisoned also?
(a) Mr. Barrymore.
(b) Mr. Broadmore.
(c) Mr. Brookside.
(d) Mr. Boardman.

10. What does Tristan make for every meal when Siegfried makes him cook?
(a) Eggs and toast.
(b) Sausage and mash.
(c) Porridge and bacon.
(d) Eggs and ham.

11. How long have James and Helen been married at the beginning of the book?
(a) A few months.
(b) 1 year.
(c) 8 months.
(d) A few weeks.

12. What is the name of the man whose skinned knee James treats?
(a) Angus.
(b) Ambrose.
(c) Roscoe.
(d) Delrose.

13. What does Hulton give James to eat and drink after James had successfully operated on the mother pig?
(a) A large glass of beer and bread and cheese.
(b) Hot coffee and two slices of bread with butter and honey.
(c) Hot Earl Grey tea and scones.
(d) Hot chocolate and breakfast cake.

14. Who is the first owner of Cedric?
(a) Mr. Dankin.
(b) Mrs. Rumney.
(c) Mrs. Humphrey.
(d) James Herriot.

15. What is the name of the woman in the next room to Helen who also just gave birth?
(a) Mrs. Dudley.
(b) Mrs. Dewburn.
(c) Mrs. Greenburn.
(d) Mrs. Dewinkle.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the other AC2 member of the RAF who scared James while he was waiting to see the RAF dentist?

2. What does Jack Brimham's dog look like?

3. What is the name of Siegfried's college buddy whose vet practice Herriot takes for a couple of weeks?

4. How does Herriot describe Helen's maternity dress?

5. What is the name of Mr. Dakin's old cow who returns home to her stall?

(see the answer keys)

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