All Things Cease to Appear Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth Brundage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All Things Cease to Appear Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth Brundage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does George do the first time Catherine says she wants to leave?
(a) Tells her she needs to get a job first.
(b) Tells her he will send the police after her.
(c) Gets her suitcase and tells her to go, but that Franny is staying with him.
(d) Tells her he is happy to let her and Franny go.

2. What does George eventually bring Catherine for Valentine's Day?
(a) A painting.
(b) Jewelry.
(c) Chocolates.
(d) A scarf.

3. Who does Justine think George gives the scarf to that he asks her to make?
(a) Edith.
(b) Millicent.
(c) Catherine.
(d) Mary.

4. What does George do to the deer he hits on the way home from his day trip with Willis?
(a) Shoots it.
(b) Lets it die on its own.
(c) Runs over it again.
(d) Kills it brutally by kicking it.

5. Why does Cole go to the pawn shop in Part IV?
(a) To get Eddy's trumpet back.
(b) To get his guitar back.
(c) To get the family piano back.
(d) To get his mother's porcelain figurines back.

6. What does Catherine finally find out about the Hale house in Part III?
(a) That it was destroyed by a fire once already.
(b) How Ella Hale and her husband died there.
(c) That it has a dangerous gas leak.
(d) That lucrative oil sits under the house.

7. What name does Franny write on her drawing of a person that looks just like Cole Hale's mother?
(a) Sarah.
(b) Ella.
(c) Ridley.
(d) Jennifer.

8. Who does George actually give the scarf Justine makes to?
(a) Millicent.
(b) Willis.
(c) Mary.
(d) Edith.

9. Why is George's former dissertation advisor angry with George?
(a) He knows George is guilty of murder.
(b) He has found out George forged a letter of recommendation using his name.
(c) He knows George plagiarized his work.
(d) He knows George stole his painting.

10. Who takes Catherine to get an abortion?
(a) George.
(b) Justine.
(c) Eddy.
(d) Henry.

11. Why is Bram surprised that Justine was in a car accident?
(a) She has never had an accident before.
(b) She was always lecturing about safe driving.
(c) She almost never drove.
(d) It was not like her to drive fast.

12. Where do George and Catherine spend Thanksgiving in Part IV?
(a) Connecticut, with George's parents.
(b) Maine, with Catherine's parents.
(c) In New York City, at a hotel.
(d) In their own house in Chosen.

13. Where does DeBeers say he is sailing in Part IV?
(a) Reganta.
(b) Saginaw.
(c) The Flats.
(d) Albany.

14. What does Mary drive to the Clare house to deliver to Catherine in Part III?
(a) A couch.
(b) A ring.
(c) A chicken.
(d) A church flyer.

15. What does Justine tell George that Catherine thinks about him in the end of Part III?
(a) That Catherine thinks George wants to kill or hurt her.
(b) That Catherine thinks George wants to have another child.
(c) That Catherine thinks George is cheating on her.
(d) That Catherine thinks George loves her dearly.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does George think of the Bible?

2. What kind of pet does Hazel have?

3. Who is the priest at Mary Lawton's church?

4. What does George do once he is sitting on DeBeers's boat?

5. Where does Willis say she will eventually move back to?

(see the answer keys)

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