All Things Bright and Beautiful Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All Things Bright and Beautiful Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What saves Herriot from being squashed by Mr. Dacre's bull?
(a) The bull gets bored.
(b) A cow walks by the window.
(c) Rotten boards that give way.
(d) Mr. Dacre intervenes by slapping the bull.

2. What does Herriot see Tristan manage to do?
(a) Not show any signs of pain while working with a broken wrist.
(b) Get farmers to sneak bottles of whiskey into his car.
(c) Get invited to three different dinners in the same day.
(d) Get a farmer to feed him tea while delivering a calf.

3. Throughout the beginning of chapter 20, what sound is present?
(a) The laughter of children.
(b) The sound of a choir singing,
(c) The ringing of bells.
(d) The barking of the neighbor's dog.

4. What odd tools did Mr. Ross require to fix the animal?
(a) Carrots and the mother's milk.
(b) A step ladder and a ten foot rope.
(c) Sugar, a bottle, and a pig stool.
(d) Ginger root and hot water.

5. What dampens Herriot's spirits when he is attending the Daffodil Ball?
(a) Tristan is spending all his time with a girl and he's left all alone.
(b) He sees Helen dancing with Richard Edmundson.
(c) He gets called away to see a bull.
(d) The girl he is with is loud and rude.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Colonel Bosworth's reason for seeing Herriot?

2. What is Tristan able to get from the farmers that Herriot is not?

3. What does Walt Bennett do that angers Siegfried?

4. What condition is Helen is as Herriot plans to leave for the Air Force?

5. Why do Herriot and Siegfried spend all night talking at the beginning of chapter 41?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Herriot feel after eating at the Horners? What lasting effect does it have on him?

2. When does Herriot see Carmondy again? What happens?

3. Describe the process that Herriot goes through to anesthetize Walt Bennet's horse. How does Siegfried participate?

4. Explain why Herriot thought it might be a good idea to sedate Penny to cure her gastroenteritis, and where he got that idea.

5. Explain what upset Herriot when he goes to trim Mrs. Tompkin's budgie's beak. What does he do about it?

6. What difficulty does Herriot have diagnosing Toby, the cocker spaniel that the Dimmocks bring him to see? How does he finally manage to discover what is wrong?

7. Why is Herriot suddenly worried about money in chapter 41?

8. When Herriot is on a schedule and must return to the clinic, what is Herriot doing at Ted Buckle's, and what happens that makes him sure he'll be late?

9. Why does Roland Partridge decide to postpone as long as possible the surgery that Herriot recommends fro his little dog Percy? What possible affect did this delay have?

10. What does Ted Buckle do to calm Herriot down and to get the bull back in his box?

(see the answer keys)

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