All Things Bright and Beautiful Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

All Things Bright and Beautiful Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Richard Edmundson?
(a) A wealthy young man.
(b) All the above.
(c) The son of local famer and good friends of Helen's family.
(d) Another suitor to Helen.

2. What animal does Herriot place first in the Family Pets competition?
(a) A tabby cat.
(b) The labrador.
(c) The goldfish.
(d) The mynah bird.

3. What was wrong with Harry Sumner's young bull?
(a) McLuskie's Disease
(b) He went blind.
(c) He had hairball in his fourth stomach.
(d) Pneumonia

4. How was Badger's death significant to Harland Grange?
(a) He was the only stallion.
(b) He was the last work horse.
(c) He was their only prized show horse.
(d) He was every worker's favorite horse.

5. Why won't Herriot let the man with the terrier show his dog?
(a) The dog is not registered.
(b) The dog has a temperature and Herriot suspects distemper.
(c) The dog is of the wrong breed.
(d) The dog is uncontrollable.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Harry Sumner get Monty?

2. What is husk, the first ailment that afflicted the Darby cattle?

3. Why was Herriot uneasy about taking a blood sample from Monty?

4. What does Herriot do for Mrs Donovan and Roy?

5. How easy does Herriot find it to diagnose the second batch of Darby cattle?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the relationship between veterinarians like Herriot and Siegried with Granville Bennett?

2. Describe what happens with the dog and Rob Benson's sheep. What does the farmer believe has happened? What does Herriot find out when he is called out?

3. Explain the solution Herriot finds for Mr. Pickersgill and his cow.

4. What does Herriot find so difficult and horrifying about treating the cows for husk at the Darby farm?

5. How does the day at the Darrowby show differ from the "pleasant day out" he expected it to be?

6. At the Darrowby show, what parameters does Herriot decide to use to judge the family pet competition? Why?

7. Describe the rapport that Herriot has with Helen's father when he goes out to the Grange for Sunday tea.

8. Describe the scholastic background of Mr. Pickersgill and how his education manifests itself at the time of the story in chapter five.

9. How good is Herriot at buying furniture at house sales for the apartment? Explain your answer.

10. Describe who Roy is and the state he is in when the inspector takes Herriot to him.

(see the answer keys)

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